The Revelation Of The Written Scrolls And The Word Of God As Given To Neal Frisby
“The Lord’s people and messenger are being unveiled in this hour – God’s manifold plan and wisdom is doing it – it is a living reality before us! – Romans 8:14, 28-31 – Revelation 8:1 – Revelation 10:4-7 – Mark 12:10 – The Capstone Head of the corner! This was the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes!”
Jesus is coming soon!

God's face behind the Lords Temple!
The face of God, the "great seal head" formed in the pyramid temple, the long awaited Capstone and the Amen messenger! "Behold I send the prophet before my face!

A Divine Visit
Candlesticks of the Holy Ghost and the Tongues of Fire. You can see the Holy Ghost appearing or falling in the picture as raindrops of fire.

A sign of the Holy Spirit
Here is the great sign of the Holy Spirit on Bro. Frisby and a partner as she stands for prayer. Jesus confirms this ministry like the Biblical Prophets.

God provided the design and location
Before the establishment of this temple, another earlier messenger of the Lord Jesus, Brother W. Branham, saw in a kind of vision a picture of this temple. He described more or less that it looked like a tent from a distance and that the revelation of the seventh seal, the catching of the great fishes and the rapture would be connected with this.
A craftsman from Ukraine fell to his knees upon seeing the temple, in his homeland he had seen the temple in a dream as a holy work of God.
Capstone Cathedral
Brother Frisby founded the MIRACLE LIVE and Capstone Ministries and the Temple which he named Capstone Cathedral which is located near Tatum and Shea Blvd. in North Phoenix Arizona.
Since 1960
Brother Neal Frisby has been preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ since 1960, during that time God worked great miracles through him, Healings of all kinds of sickness and diseases!
Endtime message
Neal Frisby preached that Jesus Christ is coming back soon. God gave him a prophetic message to spread to promote faith in Jesus Christ.
Evangelist Neal Frisby
Prophetic scrolls connected to the 7th Seal
The message is connected with the 7th Seal (Rev. 8:1) and the ushering in of the 7 thunders (Rev. 10:4)!
Prophetic gift
God also gave Brother Frisby the gift of prophecy and he has published everything that has been revealed to him over the past 45 years, as the Spirit of God moved upon him to reveal it.
Miracles and healings
Over the years many have been blessed and healed through this ministry and we are proud to feature some of these here as we dedicate this website to furthering God's work.

CAPSTONE is not a denomination, it's a message!
“We do not want to leave the impression that what I have written in the scroll message is all that is in the 7th Seal (Rev. 8:1) or the Thunders (Rev. 10:4) but the message is connected to it.”
“We enter into the rapture faith of Christ and are being prepared for a new heavenly realm of revelation and the shekinah of the rapture appears! We enter into a dramatic spontaneous ingathering of the harvest!”
Stay informed and don't miss anything!
With Brother Frisby’s prophetic scrolls in one hand and the news in the other, we will keep you informed about prophetic developments every month with our newsletter.