Prophetic scrolls

“I will restore saith the lord!” Joel 2:25
Five major signs
When the anti-Christ system and Satan’s man begin to take hold, Jesus gave me 5 signs to tell His ELECT.
Jews – He will pretend to be a friend of the Jews, and work with them, many promises, and flattery. And work a plan with them and a way that both control the wealth of the world. But in the end tricks them and absorbs the gold. Watch Rome and your news!
Russians – He will begin to work with the communist leaders behind closed doors. And make them the same promises; he made the Jews about the wealth. He makes many promises in order for them to side in with him that America knows nothing about. Then he gets everything under His control they will come under his grip for a while. His plan is (peace and lies, and promises of wealth)
Friend of God – To Western Europe, United States and England, (like Judas was to Christ) – he will promise a solution to their social problems, and wealth as he says we need better understanding. He will say come together as one as the Bible said. He will use part of the Word of God to trap them! (He says lets become one body under God.) This looks good, and looks like God, but the (Lord is gathering His in another way in a spiritual body by His word and supernatural gifts). Watch!
The poor – He will pretend to be a friend to the poor. And begin to work a plan to use the wealth from the U.S.A., England and Western Europe to feed the Orientals and Communist countries at our expense! This helps them to get on his side, and shows a sign of peace. He is lying to each major nation, in order to get all the gold, so he can issue a mark. Also, the poor of this nation will be helped. I believe in feeding the poor. But not through trickery and some diabolical scheme, also I am not against our relief pension system either, this is something different from that, it is a sinister plot. By promising to feed the world and bring peace through his system he shifts all the gold into one treasury-His! The world is drained and a mark is issued. You will hear these words. (War is too costly, ought not this to be spent and given to the poor nations, to bring peace)! But he lies and is about to defraud the world into his mark! Watch! Will begin to change the Bible, for the Jews, Catholics and Protestants! But all his plans backfire and on to Armageddon-the Communist rebel. The (Clay) breaks from the (Iron); he brings the Western World to a clash. The world erupts! His kingdom is burnt by fire, Atomic Horrors!
Times – Holidays will be changed, working days shortened; Gods Commandments, Laws and Words will be changed. Our calendar will be changed. The world is headed for (antichrist revolution!)
Confidential to the bride
Two of Gods Greatest men know I am right, but because of money and sponsorship they are afraid to say anything. Please believe me, it is not I but the Lord showing you. I am only a servant; right now I have never felt Gods Power so strong. I foresaw this important message. Now this is to warn Gods chosen. Some of the salvation groups and some of the Pentecostal groups will be tricked shortly, into a massive confederation out of which eventually some will make up the Antichrist bride (fallen church). Is brought to him by the spirit of man, and dead organizations. Listen closely if you are a member of one of these groups don’t get frightened. (But when you see them going in, come out from among them!) This I was shown and it will not fail. (Watch!) The leaders will be told they can “pray for the sick”, and (preach like the Bible says!) This is used for bait to draw them into a trap. The devil told Eve she would not die either. This also was a type of losing the spirit of God. Also, the government will offer them more help. But after they get in (the trap) like a snare shall it come on all of them! Then the Bible will be changed finally another one given, for Catholic, Jew and Protestant which is the word of the beast. Church and state united. A law will be passed no more preaching or praying for the sick and a mark issued! To get out will cost many of them their life, (But scores will flee to the wilderness!), where Gods Angels protect them. In some nations they give their life. You see they were foolish Virgins. Trapped like Eve with the subtle beast (Gen. 3:4). Power-666. But the (wise Virgins foresaw this) and prayed and stored their oil (sealed) By God and raptured! Because they loved the word and did not agree with this massive confederation. If some of the sleeping Protestant systems join this merging God will class them as foolish. Gods children belong on the outside of Sodom! (Like Abraham.) I have (THUS SAITH THE LORD on this!) I know some of you attend these churches; you have to have a place to worship. But watch when you see this coming, you don’t have to go with them. This message I’m writing is to you. Don’t go on into the federation, stay out! Suddenly God will rapture you! Then the foolish will be trapped and go through much tribulation. Stay where you are, (just watch). Because it will come. I am sent with “the angel of the Lord to warn you”. Remember only the wise will see it, my message is not to the foolish but to the (wise!) The wise will hear until they are endured with Power from reading Gods Scrolls. The Lord told me this message would bring some financial loss and persecution to me, but oh Sir, that great angel is standing by my side. The Lord is going to protect and talk to that chosen group! He won’t let you down. Remember, I see a mighty prophet will come at (midnight!) to warn against church merging, and to gather the Bride! (Like unto Moses). That’s all He will let me tell you now, (Rev.18:4-8).
These scrolls will play an important part for many during the tribulation and to the Bride now.
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Prophetic scrolls
By brother Neal Frisby

This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.
Prophetic scrolls
Some of Brother Frisby’s previously published “Prophetic scrolls” — All prophetic scrolls are printed on Parchment Paper in a Special 9″ x 12″ format.NOTE: We are now allowing FREE access to the following prophetic scrolls, you may also order the printed book(s) and individual copies.
Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.
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