Special Writing
Healing for all
“I feel it is important to help people get deliverance from sickness and prepare for the days ahead!” – Before a person receives healing they must understand that it is definitely God’s will to heal them. Hundreds of Bible Scriptures proclaim it. We’ll quote some in a moment.” – People may wonder why does He heal, because He has compassion on us! Matt. 14:14, “He was moved with compassion toward them and He healed their sick!” – Matt. 20:34 said, “He had compassion and immediately they were healed! Sometimes it will come gradual, but it also does occur instantly. Be it according to your faith!”
“Now another thing to settle is, who is the originator of sickness? We don’t have to look far; it’s Satan!” Job 2:7 says, he went forth and smote Job with boils! It was Satan who put the sickness on Job, but it was God who heard Job’s cry and healed him!” And at another time Jesus said in Luke 13:16, “Ought not this woman whom Satan hath bound be loosed from this bond? And He healed her suddenly!” – At this point don’t ask Jesus to heal you, just say, “I am healed through Jesus’ stripes! And keep quoting it until you have received the proper benefits, or at any time that Satan attacks you use this Scripture, Isa. 53:5.”
Also in Acts 10:38, “Jesus was anointed and went about healing all that was oppressed of the devil!” – “It may seem strange and odd but when Christians fail to praise the Lord or read the anointed Word that they themselves are sometimes oppressed of Satan! And sometime in no little way, and this oppression is affecting multitudes of Christians now because the devil knows his time is short!” – Christians should be alerted although Satan cannot possess them, he can oppress them to the point that they feel he has! But they must not believe he has, but they must put on the full armour of God and blast Satan back with the anointed Word and promises!” (Eph. 6:11-17) “Behold saith the Lord Jesus, I have commanded you to rise up in my name and take dominion over this evil oppressor of my people and let him gain no ground either in thy soul or body, for ye are healed and set free already according to My Word! Claim it saith the Lord! Be ye bold in declaring your deliverance! Yea thou art forgiven and healed according to my divine utterances!” (Ps. 103:2-3)
“In the great commission, the healing of the sick in Jesus’ name was to be one of the signs of the true believer! Also Jesus heals to reveal His glory and His goodness, and He loves you just as sincerely as anyone, and will work for you!” – “As you learn to trust He gives another promise!” – “Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling!” (Ps. 91:10) – “But first He wants you absolutely free from any abnormal oppression of fear so He can have a free hand to work! We must remember that Job’s fear kept building up from a tiny hill to a mountain, and he became afraid! And what he feared actually came upon him!” (Job 3:25) – “Never fill your mind with discouragement, failure and defeat no matter how hard sometimes you are pressured, but create a positive and successful attitude! No matter what you feel or see say, like Paul, we are more than conquerors!” (Rom. 8:37-39) – “Yea, be ye transformed by the renewing of you mind and thoughts!” (Rom 12:2) – “Behold I will create within you a new heart and a new spirit of confident believing! Ask and ye shall receive! See you already have it now! Praise Him!”
For God said, “Himself took our infirmities and bear our sickness!” – “Also He healed every kind of sickness there was, and He will do the same today!” (Matt. 8:16-17) – “But as many as receive Him, to them gave He power!” (John 1:12) – “If you hold the faith and a positive attitude you will create about your self an atmosphere of health, satisfaction, joy and well being!” – “Jesus not only healed the sick, but He committed the same ministry to his disciples today!” (Mark 6:12-13 – Mark 16:16-18)
“Now let’s go over this information that teaches us how to be healed! First one should understand that it is definitely God’s will to heal you.” (Mark 16:18) Then one should prepare their heart by reading this letter and the Word of God! Faith cometh by hearing the Word! (Rom. 10:17) – “Then if you think you have any faults or sin in your life confess them to Jesus!” (James 5:13-16) – “And it’s good to set a time in your heart for your healing! Often people are tricked into putting it off till late in the future! Now is the day of Salvation and healing! – “And when you pray, believe that you have already received, and hold to it!” (Mark 11:24) – “At times you may not see the results immediately and other times you will see it quickly! Remember Jesus cursed the fig tree and it looked like nothing had happened, but when they came by days later they saw the tree and sure enough it was dried up.” (Mark 11: 14, 20) “So will Jesus dry up your sickness, whether gradually or instantly, remember you have already received!” – “Also receive this knowledge, an unforgiving spirit can definitely hinder your healing!” (Matt. 6: 14-15) – And always try to be on fire for Jesus and not be spiritually lukewarm! “Then when you ask for something often it will occur instantaneously!” – “Also never let Satan or his people hinder you! Be determined!” Rom. 8:31, “If God be for us who can be against us!” – “Also you have it within you for the asking and putting into operation what you need!” Luke 17:21, “The kingdom of God is within you!” – “The whirlwind of the Holy Spirit is within you to do your every bidding now and always! God’s abundance, prosperity, rest, peace and power are within and you lack nothing! Proclaim this before all obstacles and Jesus will meet your needs!”
“Now here is how you can keep what you receive! Satan will try to tempt you. Resist the devil and his doubt and he will flee! Do not allow sin to creep back in! One cannot expect to keep God’s blessings if he goes back into the world!” – Here is something very important. Absolutely remember to testify of your deliverance! Mark 5:19, it says, Go tell thy friends, how great things the Lord has done for thee!” – “Also after you are healed never over do your body until you regain your strength! Never mistreat your body; obey God’s health laws!” – “Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on your symptoms and problems! When Peter looked upon his symptoms and troubles he sank in the water! But the Lord did lift him back up to believe again!” – “Never waiver, always hold true to His Word!” (James 1: 6-7) – “Always use the Word of God!” (Heb. 4:12) – “Do not ask God over and over about something, but believe and then meditate over and over concerning His promises!” – “Then rise up and take hold and praise Him for the victory and confess your faith!” (Rom. 10:10) –
“And if you practice these truths often enough you can have whatsoever you saith, and remove any mountains of debt, sickness or problem!” (Mark 11:23) – “Keep this letter for future study and in the time of need! And I and the Lord Jesus love and bless you always!
Forget not all of His benefits. Better yet, keep them in action!” – “Also reading my books and literature will help bring deliverance for any of the above!”
Sincerely, your friend,

Special writings by Neal Frisby
This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.
Special Writings
Some of Brother Frisby’s previously unpublished “Special Writings” — All Special Writings are printed on Parchment Paper in a Special 9″ x 12″ format.NOTE: We are now allowing FREE access to the following Special Writings, you may also order the printed book(s) and individual copies.
Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. The article may contain grammatical errors.
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