Monthly letter

Dear harvest partner,

We are now entering a New Year! A flood of events that no one can deny has come upon this earth in the last four years. Accidents, infrastructure collapsing (bridges), earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, floods and fires all happening in such a short space of time with great loss of life. My opinion is that God is speaking to this planet through nature. Extreme weather seems to be worldwide. I believe these events along with the beginning of a financial crisis we have spoken of before, but now we are seeing the event right before our eyes. A new financial system dealing with world trade is on the horizon. Brother Frisby wrote so diligently in the scrolls of this major event just before the anti-Christ system is revealed. We are in that midnight hour where the shadow is falling on all nations. Chaos looms ahead. In a future letter I will talk about the major lunar eclipses in 2025. (Luke 21:25) – The world is looking for a savior to deliver them from their problems. Truly the writing that you are about to read will give you the understanding of the anti-Christ and false prophet and the one world government. – And now a quote from Brother Neal Frisby.

Prophecy Unfolding – Dan. 9:26, “revealed the end thereof shall be with a flood. We can predict of a surety that a sudden wave of events will take place in the political, financial, religious and scientific world and unusual changes just before the return of Jesus that will shake the foundations of society – preparing for the emergence of the anti-christ!” – Rev. 13:1-4, “John is standing on the sands of time foreseeing the future. He saw the beast of world government rising up out of the sea (people) having seven heads and ten horns (positions). And upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy! – This is the system that John saw taking the very place of God upon the earth! – He further describes the beast as being like unto a leopard and his feet as a bear with a mouth as a lion. And satan gave him his seat, power and authority!” We see the same picture in Dan. 7:1-8. Vs. 8 “gives a little added information concerning Rev. 13:1-6. Now below we will read about another element that joins in.

The Second Prophetic Beast – False Prophet – “This one is in the image and worships the first one that we spoke of.” (Rev. 13: 11-17) – “Now what we see here is the new world, the new great cities; it is the Americas! – The United States fits into this pattern perfectly!” “Verse 11 reveals religious freedom at first, but then turns into a dragon system, and speaks what the first beast dictates to it! – The two horns and the Lamb denote religious and civil power joined together, it is apostate Christianity at its worst! – It says they will unite together and command everyone to worship the image of a man that will rule world trade and commerce with code mark and numbers!” (Vs. 17-18) – “There will definitely rise a super leader in the U.S.A. that is very clever, charming and magnetic to the point of being gifted-like! – One who seems to have the answers that people are looking for. Evidently the religious element is behind this personality! – Finally none before will deceive as this one!” – “This generation will witness the most dramatic events in the closing of the age. . . . We will see the rapid development of a one-world church and a one-world government of the anti-christ and of the false prophet!” – “The dragon is ready to bring them forth; events will push them to the top!” End quote.

As these events take place the Lord is preparing His elect for their final moments upon the earth. A time to rejoice knowing the soon return of our Lord Jesus! There shall only be a short period of time to witness with this great message. Therefore we must work quickly to pray for deliverance of our loved ones and our brothers and sisters who have not heard all of this message yet. For the Lord has shown me that when this message has reached all those He intended to reach, He would return for the Elect, His bride. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”(Rom.10:13) All who believe will receive salvation and miracles! Trust ye in the Lord forever! “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases! (It is finished!) Forget not all of His benefits.” (Ps. 103:2-3) “Everyone that asketh receives it, accept it!”

This month I am releasing a New Book called “God’s Clock Ticking” and included in it is four wonderful sermons you will not want to miss. – I sincerely appreciate your prayers and support for the New Year. Send in your prayer requests and I will be praying for you and all of our partners. And as we pray together God will hear our prayers and answer them.

Your brother in Christ,

This Month’s CD’s: ($15.00 donation)
“The Christian Warfare”
“Spiritual Transfusion”

P.O. Box 20707
Phoenix, AZ 85036
Tele: (602) 996-3187

Divine health

Monthly newsletter by Gerald Frisby

This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.

Monthly newsletters

Some of Brother Frisby’s “Monthly newsletters” with previously unpublished timely prophecies.
NOTE: We are now allowing FREE access to the following Monthly newsletters, you may also order the printed book(s) and individual copies.

January 2025
February 2025

Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.

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