



20TH CENTURY LIFE, Color Publication

Printed September, 1978 All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book, photographs or portions thereof except by written premision


The sovereign royal light

“The infinite star the omnipotent brightness of Jesus which created the universe!” This same light of knowledge can expand and fill the earth with His brilliant presence! The most important light that Jesus appears in, and of any age. it is to finish the harvest! “The Day Star” II Peter 1:19 — This picture was taken as the light rose in the Temple, moved and rested over the veil!” A startling and incomparable sign! “This undisputed supreme act was constituted to appear on film in the exact destiny of time! This is the light that is on me at the platform while praying over the sick and moves on the audiences to heal! “The flame appeared in the Old Testament, this is the New Testament light that appeared to Paul!”(Acts 9:3-5) Jesus is this light of the world, our regal star “Saviour!” The light to the major messenger, soon time shall be no more!

The natural and the supernatural

“We are living in two worlds, the natural and the supernatural separated by dimension”! I Cor. 2:9 “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Verse 10 the spirit searcheth yea the deep things of God.” — Rom. 11:25 “Behold saith the Lord have ye not waited until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in!!” 一 “Yea the Tabernacle of the Most High is upon earth with men, for it is built and established in the word that I gave the prophets and apostles! Yea and the Lord Jesus being the very chief corner stone of it!!”


The tabernacle of the most high is upon earth

I Cor. 2:9 “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Verse 10 the spirit searcheth yea the deep things of God.” — Rom. 11:25 “Behold saith the Lord have ye not waited until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in!!” 一 “Yea the Tabernacle of the Most High is upon earth with men, for it is built and established in the word that I gave the prophets and apostles! Yea and the Lord Jesus being the very chief corner stone of it!!”


Capstone outside

“Here is a picture of ‘Capstone Temple’ and you can see the glory of the Lord breaking through in every direction surrounding it with His power” The Bible says He will be coming in great power and clouds of glory!” Ps. 85:11, “Truth shall spring out of the earth and righteousness shall look down from heaven!” — Hab. 2:20, “But the Lord is in His holy Temple, let all the earth keep silence before him! Verse 14 says, the glory of the Lord will fill the earth!” — “Let us obey Him and He will do for us the things He promised Israel! Ps. 81:16, “And he should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat, and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.” 一 “This means spiritual benefits also!”

coal of fire

Coal of fire

As Bro. Frisby prays for the sick the intense burning pillar of fire in the form of a coal of fire is resting behind him! Many miracles are wrought in his ministry constantly!” Ezek. 10:2-4 —Isa. 6:7, “The Lord’s fiery presence!” — Nums. 14:21, “But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord!”


Jesus in the Pillar of Fire

“Behind Bro. Frisby is the great ‘pillar of fire’ as it broadens out from him! And you can see ‘a little coal of fire’ to the left above; but the far low center little light between him and the musicians is an ordinary light, and the light to the far right of the pulpit is another exit light.” — “But the circle of fire on his back is definitely the supernatural light and presence of the Lord!” — “These spiritual signs appear as he ministers and prays for the sick!” 一 “For one to deny the revelation pictures in this book would be like denying the Holy Spirit manifestation! These are a witness and sign from the Lord of Host, the Lord Jesus, that the age is closing! Prepare!” (Ex. 40:34, 38).


Little fire balls

Little fire balls bursting in every direction as he prays for the sick and Jesus heals.

prayer glory fire

Beautiful amber glory

“While this partner is standing for prayer the Holy Spirit appeared in beautiful amber glory!” This is symbolic of Ezek. 1:27, “And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward and from the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.” — (Note: The reason for the white is the film was not quite dry when they took it from the Polaroid Camera).

Jesus confirms this ministry

Here is the great sign of the Holy Spirit on Bro. Frisby and a partner as she stands for prayer. Jesus confirms this ministry like the Biblical prophets.


Forked spiritual lightning

“One can witness the dynamic presence here, forked spiritual lightning is seen here while Bro. Frisby is ministering in the prayer line!” — “The color is a dark bluish! The Bible has much to say about lightning and its symbolism, it’s before the throne! It is a sign of authority and power! (Rev. 4) It appears as a warning that judgment is coming upon the earth!” Rev. 4:5, “And out of the throne preceeding lightnings, and thunderings and voices!” Rev. 8:5, “And the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar and cast it into the earth! And there were voices and thunderings and lightning, and an earthquake!” (As we were preparing these Scriptures a great earthquake struck in Italy -May 1976).

The pillar of fire

“In the top picture you can see the pillar of fire!” (Ex. 40:38)

The staff-like or sword-like symbol

And then change to the staff-like or sword-like symbol below over Bro. Frisby’s head!” (Ps. 23:1.4). “It’s the fiery-like spirit of the Lord who maketh His ministers a flame of fire?” (Heb. 1:7) “And also God is a consuming fire!” (Heb. 12:29) Gen. 3:24. “a flaming sword!”

Like a dynamic comet of colors

The Lord’s presence like a dynamic comet of colors! — “A young Hebrew took this photograph bursting with awesome wonder and shekinah glory in dramatic motion, a living substance! Jesus is real!” The Church has never seen anything in comparison to what He is doing now! “It is exploding in creative power, swirling love of His deity, the Universe is full of His Almightiness and gorgeous life giving rays!” Ps. 29:2-10. “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The Voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty! The voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness! And in His Temple doth everyone speak of His glory, the Lord sitteth upon the flood, yea. the Lord sitteth King forever!”

Concerning the Israelite’s

“Concerning the Israelite’s the Lord admonishes us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee.” (Ps. 122:6)

At service time nearly full

(part view)


The building was filling up

Early in the evening before service time building was filling up. Also the people came through several dust storms during the meeting. Satan was defeated as God’s glory poured out all over the people.

Capstone inside

The low streamline Pyramid designed by God

You are looking at (part view) of the inside of Capstone, the low streamline Pyramid designed by God. — “Chairs break forth in Rainbow colors, pulpit is in the form of glowing wings!” (More chairs can be installed)

Capstone inside

Chairs break forth in Rainbow colors

Part of central view of seats

capstone inside

Partial view inside Capstone

Partial view inside Capstone

glory fisherman

One of His favorite foods

“Look at the fish! The Lord chose fish as one of His favorite foods!” “Also it is associated to revelation and elect. Luke 24:42-45, “And they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish, and of honeycomb and He took it, and did eat before them. Then opened He their understanding of the Scriptures!” — “Partner standing in the boat with a fish, he sent the pictures of the children, too!”


Eyes like unto a flame of fire

Rev. 2:18, “Write, these things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire!” Verse 17, “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written!” — “He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches!”


7 spirits of God and the 7 stars

Rev. 3:1, “Write these things saith he that hath the 7 spirits of God and the 7 stars!” Verse 6, “He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches?”

The Lord breaking forth

“You can see the glory of the Lord breaking forth in all of these pictures. The joy in the air produces electrifying power of God in the atmosphere!” “Let the elect be as little children and let the freedom of the spirit be among them!”

Golden shekinah glory on the ground

“We give honor and glory to the Lord Jesus for all works herein!” “So Ye may know the Lord reigneth in heaven and earth!” The photo reveals “golden shekinah glory on the ground, the harvest sign!” To the left you can see the “manifestation of transparent presence on the tree? “This is where Bro. Frisby entered while building was in progress. You can see the aura of majestic glory rising off the ground!” — “The Lord is centered here for a special preordained divine purpose, yet His spirit is working over the earth too? As we are entering the holy of holies it is a sign deity is walking personally on the ground? The King has blazed and set down!” — The earth will be filled with the knowledge of glory as the waters cover the sea? Hab. 2:14.

The great magnetic Sardius like cloud of glory

“The woman who sent this said Bro. Frisby spoke, the pillar of fire is over your heads, and at that time she got up and took a picture and sure enough the great cloud was over us! You can see the pillar of fire enfolding itself out of the cloud over the prayer line. Bro. Frisby is behind the pulpit!” — In al) of these manifestations the Lord Jesus is revealing how mighty He is in leading us like He did Israel! – (Pillar. Ex. 13:22)

The Holy Spirit candles and the tongues of fire

(Heb. 1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation!”) “Visitation of deity” — (The Holy Spirit candles and the tongues of fire) “Notice you can see the Holy Spirit appearing or falling like raindrops of fire, and definitely is associated to these Scriptures. Acts 2:4, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire!” — Rev. 1:20 — Rev. 2:1 “Write these things sayeth he that holdeth the seven stars in his hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks!” — The Lord Jesus reveals and you can definitely see lighted candlesticks burning!) (Remember Christ was also photographed just to the side of the first candlestick above the Temple by the wings in the Cap!) “Notice the woman in the background we find out is a ‘Pentecostal’ Lutheran. This could very well be a type, as we remember the reformation of the early Church and may well correspond with that Church age candlestick!” (Rev. 3:1 -3) But the Lord will gather His elect under the last candlestick! (Rev. 3:18-22, Rev. 10:1-4) — “But evidently it proves that the Lord will gather a few out of each Church group mentioned in Rev. 1:20 — But his elect will be patterned more after His Philadelphia Church age than any!” Rev. 3:7-12 — Although in our hour He will add much more of His presence and evidence! “The promises in those verses are truly wonderful” 一 Also you can see the Temple represents the last Church Age of the Almighty; Wings type of Rev. 4:8 — Look at the Holy Fire falling in front and behind the young man. leaving a spiritual impression of burning through his shirt!”

The Holy Spirit in the form of a whirlwind

As you notice you can see the Holy Spirit going down Bro. Frisby’s head in the form of a whirlwind! Then you can see the reddish “mantle” of the glory of the Lord floating dramatically off of Bro. Frisby’s shoulder. This reminds us of the spirit of Elijah the prophet! Truly this anointing is visiting His elect at Capstone!

A bright curtain of glory

“Herein is certainly an incredible picture as Bro. Frisby is praying for the sick! Often, when doing so. many manifestations appear! This is a ‘bright curtain of glory’ over him and the people in the prayer line in brilliance of yellow and amber!” — “You can see the ‘Lord’s veil or mantle’ of power dramatically over Bro. Frisby and reaching the corner of the pulpit! Also the brightness of it shining over Bro. Frisby’s back and hands, the glory of it runs clear across the stage like a cloud of golden amber glory over shadowing! It’s a cloud of God’s wisdom and signs and wonders are performed under it!”

“The Holy Spirit draws my attention to this Scripture.” Luke 9:34. “While he thus spake there came a cloud and overshadowed and they feared as they entered into the cloud! And there came a voice out of cloud saying this is My beloved son, hear him!” — “What we are seeing is the real evidence! The spirit that was on Elijah is to return at the end of the age; and it is moving in a dynamic way on Bro. Frisby’s ministry! The manifestations that are given have not been seen quite like this in thousands of years, a dispensational change is here!” — “Jesus is gathering His own!” —'”Also a measure of the spirit of Elijah will rest upon His elect as He returns!” — “The mantle of glory here is significant and reminds us of what occurred to Elijah!”(II King. 2:8, 13-14) “This reveals the mantle fell, but also a mantle of real glory fell upon Elisha, called the double portion! (verse 9) And Elisha crossed the waters.

He never asked the Lord for this type ministry

“The manner that God appears to Bro. Frisby is rare and separates him differently than what is usual — making it unique and unusual indeed. He never asked the Lord for this type ministry; it was given by divine providence. And Jesus said to him, you will be a sign to My people!” — Let us close with Ex. 23:20, 25-26, “Behold I send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. And he shall bless thy bread and thy water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. — The number of thy days I will fulfill!”

Great circles of God’s presence

“Nothing like these pictures has been seen since Bible days as prophets saw visions!” — “All signs are given to confirm His word!”


The glory of the Lord in whirling motion

“This little girl was dipping and playing in the water in a mountain stream when her picture was taken. And the glory of the Lord appeared in whirling motion in this area!” — “A partner sent us the picture of the child, the Lord giving us witness that He is everywhere and that no one can hide from Him! When He appears over His creation it becomes much more beautiful, you can see the tops of the tree here and a brightness directly on the water!”


The heavens literally opened up

“The Day!” – “This picture shows a mountain in Arizona where the heavens literally opened up to prove the Majesty of the Most High and His splendid wonders to behold!” Ex. 24:15-18, “And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai! It reveals God spoke out of the midst of the cloud!” 一 Ex. 33:21. “And the Lord said. Behold there is a place by me. and thou shall stand upon a rock? Verse 22. reveals the glory covered the rock!” Verse 20, ”reveals that in this form Moses could not look upon His face! But in verse 11 the Lord spake face to face with Moses. And Isa. 6 saw Him face to face and St. John Rev. 4 saw Him face to face?”

glory brother frisby preaching

Blazing light of the Holy Spirit

“In the above photo you can see the blazing light of the Holy Spirit occurring while Bro. Frisby brings forth a dynamic message!”

Indescribable glory

Also Ezek. 22-28. “describes in similarity parts of the Temple. However we know this prophecy had another meaning but sometimes there is a compound purpose in prophetic Scriptures!” — “One can see indescribable glory pouring out over Bro. Frisby and the prayer line! Unspeakable glory appearing! Who can describe His presence or appearance only to say it is a halo cloud of Holy Spirit colors!” (Rainbow anointing, read first part of Scroll #50)

The glory of the Lord like wings

“On the child below you can see the glory of the Lord like wings going before the child in wonderful shekinah glory.”

There is only one true God and Saviour

Bro. Frisby says ‘There is only one true God and Saviour, the Lord Jesus! (Working in three manifestations and many dimensions!) and the Holy Spirit points back at him saying. Amen, he is right!” Titus 3:4 — Rev. 1:8 — Jude 1:25.

The Lord’s glory over the temple

“This beautiful display of the Lord’s glory appeared over the Temple during the last meeting!” – “The heavens open. His messenger crieth and the King cometh!” — (Zech. 10:1) “Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain so the Lord shall make bright clouds!” Read (Joel 2:21-26) The pictures describe the former and latter rain in fullness to the Gentiles! “Behold saith the Lord Jesus,” read Job 28:7-8 (also verse 6 and 11) — (Read Hab. 3:1-4 — Hosea 10:12 — Hab. 2:14 — Job 29:23)

capstone inside

The halo of light

The Sign — “You can witness the”halo of light” of revelation and healing!” Luke 2:32. “A light to lighten the Gentiles!’1 — “This woman was just prayed for and the light moved from Bro. Frisby toward her, a helper is standing next to her!” — “This glowing presence has been seen often near Bro. Frisby ministering! It changes dimensions!” — “That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world!” (St. John 1:9) “For everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God!” (St. John 3:20-21)


The Lord in the pillar cloud of light

“The white blazing form is passing by Capstone. The Lord is in the pillar cloud of light! It is Him, Jesus! transfigured in fiery edges of brilliant light!” Same like witness as St. Matt. 17:2 — Luke 9:29 — Rev. 1:14-15 — Dan. 7:9 —And certainly Rev. 10:1 “A mighty angel (Christ) came down clothed with a cloud, and face like the sun!”


Silver wings and golden feathers

These supernatural scenes are very expressive, enlightening and illuminating, melting, consuming and transforming. “Thus the Holy Ghost works in our hearts as a refiner’s fire!” “Silver wings and golden feathers” (Ps. 68-13) Yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold! — (Ps. 68:35) O God, thou are terrible out of thy holy places! The God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people, blessed be God! “Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing and then said they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them (Ps. 126:2-3 — Ps. 68:4),” — “Sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name. JAH, and rejoice before him!”


The great glory circles of the Lords

”You can see the great glory circles of the Lord! You can witness Bro. Frisby’s face shining with glory in similar conditions as shone on Moses* face!” Isaiah and Ezekiel was a witness to these same kind of lights in their dispensation!” — “The Lord’s Word is the light and His bride does not walk in darkness!” — (Rev. 10:1) — “Daniel saw His face as lightning and lamps of fire! (Dan. 10:6)

The healing light

(The remarkable attribute of God, the supernatural blue healing light visits His chosen!) — “This was taken by a motion picture camera in 1962, this shows one segment of the film. On the other pictures which follow it showed the Holy Spirit light moving from Bro. Frisby’s arm over to each case and they were definitely healed of all manner of diseases! Now this was seen on actual motion pictures as it took place! “Behold saith the Lord a three fold cord is not quickly broken (Eccl. 4:12) and neither is a three fold ministry that is wrapped in 7 lightnings (7 powers). — (Ps. 119:89) Forever. O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven! ”Concerning all these pictures and the Headstone face, they are for the household of God!” (Eph. 2:20-22), “And ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into a Holy Temple in the Lord, in whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God through the spirit”. (His universal Temple, one new body!) — (We are looking at things that were not seen before, but are now seen!) — “Behold is it not written I said unto thee that, if thou wouldst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God!


Just a simple snapshots

These are just simple snapshots we thought you would like to see of the temple and brother Frisby.


The temple


Brother Frisby


Snapshot of brother Frisby praying

Snapshot of brother Frisby praying by wing of temple.

Tempel pool

The temple pool


Partial view


All things are possible to him that believe

Mark 9:23 – “This partner came from California asking for prayer for her boy that was injured” 一 “Bro. Frisby said over the microphone for the audience to pray for the youth, their families and the Nation.” The Holy Spirit confirming it; as we can see the Spirit leaping from Bro. Frisby’s head towards the audience!” — “Very significant, we see the mind of Christ at work here!” I Cor. 2:10, 16. “It also seems to be in a form like unto a tongue of fire!” (Acts 2:3)


The glory spots of the Lord

“As the sick are being prayed for, you can see the glory spots of the Lord.” He is certainly gathering His people in signs and wonders!” Ps. 70:4, “Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee; and let such as love thy salvation say continually, let God be magnified! Amen, Lord Jesus!”



I will shew thee great and mighty things!

“ln this picture as a partner is testifying and being prayed for, the Lord Jesus confirms His Word as the Holy Spirit appears over them in His great bow of mercy! It is also in similar shape to the ancient boomerang, when it was thrown out it would return right back again!” Luke 6:38. “For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again!” — “This is a sign for His children to know that all of His promises are true! The light above also represents that the Lord watches over His Word, Messenger and people!” (Ps. 34:7) — Ezek. 1:27-28, “Ezekiel the prophet saw fire with brightness around it and also a bow!” 一 “Throughout the middle pages of this book you will see the manifestations of the Lord of Host!”

“The appearance — the reality!”

You can see the evidence of the Holy Spirit light, the emerald light bow of His presence! There are many Scriptures to bare witness of the manifestation of the Lord Jesus, but here is one!” (Rev. 4:3) “His presence is glowing like a glass transparent stone! All these appearances prove that the throne of heaven and His angels are behind Bro. Frisby’s ministry!” — “Some ask, is he the major messenger, is he a prophet? To that let us say the Holy Spirit is definitely proving and vindicating it in His own way!” — “This light has been photographed several other times plus it has been seen in a royal blue light form; and also in a reddish fire form! All of these are the attributes and manifestations of the Holy Spirit that were promised to appear at the end of the age!”


“A prophet — the glowing truth!”

“You can see the fire is glorified in the Holy Spirit presence on Bro. Frisby’s hand. He had finished a message on the duty, nature and position of angels! He was explaining to audience how the angels will even go and bring one back to the Lord that has gone astray.” 一 “Also remember the angels just before destruction pulled Lot out of the wickedness of Sodom and it was the last warning before God destroyed it! And again today God is giving these signs as a warning that He is giving His last call to His people!” — “Yes, the supernatural photographs are absolutely beautiful and confirm that the Words of the Lord Jesus are true!”


God appears in golden blocks

“God is appearing in golden blocks for a certain reason, it is symbolic of many Scriptures!” — “The Lord will allow His people to have wedding rings, gold coins, etc., but like all wealth it is not to be put ahead of God’s gold which is salvation and a Christ like character!” In Rev. 3:18. “Jesus said, buy of me gold tried in the fire!”


Just a few simple snapshots

These are just simple snapshots we thought you would like to see of the temple and brother Frisby.


A partial view

A burning coal of fire

“Here you can see a burning coal of fire, a Holy Spirit manifestation, as Bro. Frisby prays for partners.”


The pillar of fire

“In this picture the pillar of fire is seen resting above the prayer line as this person starts downward after prayer! People often fall under the power!” This often occurred in the Bible wherein a heavy anointing appeared! (Ezek. 1:28 — Dan. 10:6-9, 15-17 — Rev. 1:17) “The Lord is always working in His mysterious signs and and wonders; He will have His way!” — “What we are witnessing is a dispensational change of the spirit to His people as age closes!

Holy spirit light

“Holy spirit lights exploding as the sick are being prayed for!”


The blazing light of deity

“Surely God’s message is being written in gathering of fire under the pulpit!” — Bro. Frisby is standing before the blazing light of deity! “When seen in this manner or on the altar it is also vindictive of God’s judgment to come upon the nations soon!” — Rev. 8:5. “And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar!” — But in sight of His elect it means final deliverance and visitation for those believing? (Read verse 4)

Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.

glory photographs
blue star album

Blue Star Album by Neal Frisby

This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.

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