Creative miracles

He introduced himself as Neal Frisby
He had blue eyes, dark hair, and a light complexion. He was about 28 years old and weighed about 140 pounds. I wondered why his face could look so young and tender, until he explained to me that he fasted forty days and nights. Then I understood that his youth had been renewed. (Psalms 103:5) His countenance was as innocent looking as a baby; walked into the restaurant where I was eating my lunch. He spoke in a simple, but convincing language, as he introduced himself as Neal Frisby, and told me that he had decided to dismiss his services and tell all his people to come to my meeting. I knew by the papers that he was in a revival in Fresno, for he had two-thirds of a page, telling of the miracles, signs and wonders which were taking place in his revival. I thought his revival was over when I decided to go into that city for a few nights. But his revivals are not over in a few nights, or a few weeks in some places. What kind of an evangelist is it who will dismiss his services, when he has a revival larger than mine, and begin his services again after my revival is over? He and his people came to my revival, and he used his daily radio broadcast to promote our meeting.
First Interview
I wanted to know something about his life. I found that he had only been saved about fifteen months. He told me that he had been delivered from the State Institution. He had been sent there because he was addicted to alcohol and dope. On a trip home from that State Institution, someone placed some of my books into his hands. He began reading my books and was delivered! He was saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and was called to preach. He immediately entered into a miracle ministry. He was as happy as a child with his first toy. Unlike many ministers, he had not lost any of his zeal and enthusiasm. His zeal showed in his face. He had a spring in his walk, a shine on his face, and a twinkle in his eye. He was small, but he talked big. He was little of stature, but to talk with him, made one feel that he had a big God. That was. all he wanted to talk about. He told us so many things that happened in his meetings that one minister thought he was “bragging” or “boasting”, but he was “bragging” on God. Like David, he was putting his boast in the Lord. (Psalms 34 :2) He visited my hotel room several times. He told me so many things that I wondered if God had raised up a prophet in our day.
Double Header
I announced a day on which Evangelist Frisby and I would both be ministering in a service. He did not seem to be worried or fearful, although I was twenty-nine years older in the Lord than he. He said, “Tell them to bring all the people to that service who have a short limb that needs to be lengthened, or an eardrum missing.” He spoke with simplicity but with the confidence. When that service came, I gave a faith talk and presented to the audience, “Evangelist Neal Frisby.” In his quiet, simple, even child-like way he walked up to the pulpit. He made me think of Little David who came against the giant. I believe that he felt that he had come against the enemy in the name of the Lord. He talked low and quietly, but firm and with confidence. He seemed to be so sure. Without any preliminaries he called for all the people who had a short limb or a missing ear drum, or any part missing in their body. Several came. He prayed a simple, quiet prayer. He talked to the Lord as if He were right there in that auditorium, right by his side! He spoke to the devil quietly. It seemed like he was almost kind to the devil quietly as he told Satan to take his hands off God’s servants. He talked like he was acquainted with both Satan and Jesus! He was different. It makes me think of what the people said about the Master, “Never man spake like this man”, or “We never saw it on this fashion”. I knew he was a novice, but I could also tell that he had experience. People took knowledge of him that he had been with Jesus. He had a lady, who had one short leg, to sit down on the platform. He spoke a few words and asked her what happened. The sincere sister began to rejoice, and then declared that both of her limbs were the same length! She walked off before that jubilant audience to show them! They acknowledged that a miracle had been wrought. They glorified the God of Israel! Then he spoke to a few deaf spirits. People shouted that they could hear. He called for someone with no ear drum. There really was a shout in the camp as a lady came forward, received an ear drum, and shouted, yelling that she could hear!
Second Interview
Evangelist Frisby wanted to talk to me about publishing his story. A man said, “Suppose he backslides several years in the future?” How about King Solomon? His life was published and he later backslid. We are commanded to make known God’s deeds among the people. We are exalting Neal Frisby’s God, and not Neal Frisby. We hope that someone who is in the condition this man was in, will read these lines and see what God can do. Our God can take the foolish things of the world and confound the mighty. Evangelist Frisby is true blue. He has no reproach on his life. He will stay true if he has our prayers. I believe he has yours. I believe he has a future ministry for this generation, that will shake our country.
He was under the care of Dr. B., Dr. M.. ., and others. Dr …………. had his case when he was six times in the psychopathic ward in S … He said they told him that he was one of the youngest cases in history to be in that condition. He was treated by five doctors in F… He told me the name of each doctor.
Confidential Talk
He has seen much for his age. He met the late Dr. Howell Grayson from Hollywood, one of the greatest band leaders in the land. Hollywood is planning on band leaders in the land. Hollywood is planning on publishing his life story. He said he met Robert Mitchum and Broderick Crawford, celebrities. As he seemed to know what he was talking about, I wanted to know first hand the working of Satan in the institutions. After I talked to this ex-patient, I decided if I believed in either one, I would choose to believe in “devilution” rather than evolution. I’m sure that man did not spring from apes; for God created man perfect, in His own image. If anything, man may have fallen into devil possession, become as a natural brute beast, become deformed, and descended as an ape. There were many things he was not allowed to tell. He told me in that institution he saw the wealthiest and the poorest of people. He said he saw people with the greatest of talents from the business world; artists, preachers, and professional men. Well-known celebrities were there, mostly because of drink. He saw notables from aristocratic homes. Reverend Frisby made this statement : “You can’t shock the devil out of people with electric shock treatments. It takes the power of God.” He told me at sundown the devil possessed people would assemble together. It reminded me that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. There those poor, deluded creatures went through all kinds of inhuman acts, which I would not dare put on paper. Many would not believe what he saw. He told me there were the worst cases of perverts, with no clothes on; going through sexual acts that even beasts would never practice. It made me to know that it is dangerous to go through this world one day without the protection of the Great Physician. If you go into disobedience, walk from the protection of the blood, out of God’s presence, you could be the next one to land in such a place!
Never Backslide
After you backslide a worse thing may come upon you. (John 5 :14) You will be worse than ever when seven other spirits enter your body. (Matt. 12 :43-44) It is better to never know the Lord than to know Him and then depart from Him. (II Peter 2:21) You may receive strong delusions and doctrines of devils after you depart from the faith. (I Tim. 4:1-4) You may give birth to cursed children. (II Peter 2: 14) Your life can affect them to the fourth generation (Num. 14:18) Don’t risk getting into a place where you will be as a natural brute beast (II Peter 2 :12), with a reprobate mind (Rom. 1 :28), where the blackness of night is reserved for you forever (II Peter 2:17). Each time you backslide your will-power is broken down more. Your conscience will become seared, as with a hot iron ( I Tim. 4:2). Don’t get possessed like those people that hiss like snakes, roar like lions and shake like a leaf. There they dive off the roof, butt their brains out against a brick wall, and run in circles. They act like they are picking flees off them. They are being tormented by demons before their time. It is hell on earth. Some of them are backsliders. They think they are some of the apostles. One says, “I am Paul.” Another claims to be Peter. Many of them wear no clothes and eat their own waste. Some look like animals! They rub food all over their body and talk to themselves. They wiggle their bodies arid twist like the rock and roll fans. They eat the waste out of the toilets. Remember when you speak of alcohol, the slightest use is abuse.
Demons Performing
There he saw men who had incurable, venereal disease, that were driven insane. He saw deformed, oversexed perverts. Their mouth was possessed with sex demons! They went through the worst kind of acts! He also told me of the insane dance, which was much, much worse than the rock and roll! There he saw the twist, which was fresh out of hell! They twisted like a snake, wriggled like a sex maniac, barked like a dog, ran in circles like baboon, laughed like a hyena, and screamed like a panther, all the time grabbing at something invisible. When we consider that jungle beat music, and the Satanic twist is getting into our schools and colleges, we are made to believe in “devilution” rather than evolution. He said the overseers there would rather you would not mention the name of Jesus. One man called on Jesus. It caused such a stir that they knocked him out with dope. One thing this evangelist said, which I will long remember is this: “Psychiatrists know more about demons than many ministers.”
Advice to The Youth
Neal Frisby has some advice for our teenagers, so they can stay clear of such a snake pit. (1) Don’t ever take the first taste of alcohol. If it takes four drinks to make you drunk, then one drink makes you one-fourth drunk. One sip will affect your mind and hinder you from putting the brakes on your car. (2) Just because it is legal does not make it right. You may legalize a mad dog, but he could yet kill you. You can legalize gambling, prostitute houses, or murder, but they will still carry your soul to hell. (3) Don’t try to be popular or to be like the crowd. There is more beer sold today than there is milk. Don’t watch the beer ads on television that tell lies every time a word is spoken. (4) Don’t believe all the advertising you see about beer and whiskey. By each liquor sign in america we should be able to put “beer kills”, or “liquor will Send you to the snake pit.” (5) Never backslide and get where you can contact those insane spirits. There are more insane people out of the institutions than on the inside. Soon we won’t have enough sane to care for the insane.
Interview Him
If you get a chance, talk to him. He will help you. He will give you good advice. If you never talk with him, you can get his book into the hands of the youth of our day. Order them wholesale. Let them serve as a warning for the youth to stay clear of the snakepit. There he said, although it is illegal for men and women to be together in that institution, sometimes babies are born there deformed. They are born crying for alcohol, cigarettes and dope. Since their mother carried them with nicotine, morphine and alcohol in her system, ‘ they were born crying and reaching for cigarettes, dope and liquor. No one escapes the snake pit without the mercy of our Lord. Even some of the psychiatrists that treated them are there now. The attendants that took care of them are often victims of those demons. Who can stand before demons without God’s help and protection? It may’ never be possible for you to meet and talk with Brother Frisby, since his time is taken up helping the sick, suffering, and diseased. But I believe it will change your life if you will come with me as I interview him. Hear him give the facts in Chapter Two.
Chapter II – A chosen vessel
I was born in 1933 in Strong, Arkansas, a little town right around the Ozarks, about 100 miles from Little Rock. It is a beautiful country-I believe about the most beautiful in the United States. The people are a rough type, but seem to be good hearted. My grandfather raised cotton, had a little store, and bootlegged a lot. He had the sugar because of his store. He made a small fortune in bootlegging. They tell me that there were so many bootleggers that they even had the sheriff bought off. They said that if you could find a gang of hogs in the woods, they would lead you right to a still, for they like the mash. I heard my grandfather say that some would put snakes and lizards in their stills to make it ferment faster. They made corn and rye whiskey and called it white lightning. In our family there were five boys and one girl. I was the second child born in the family. My brothers and sister were blond but I was black-headed. They said I was the meanest-always wanting to fight-but my heart was not like that. However, I always had a desire to be a conqueror, a champion. I was born in July. ‘My name means champion and my Dad said I always had it in me to want to fight and conquer. I started to drink and smoke when I was 15 or 16. “My dad had been saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, but was backslidden and was bad to drink. But he came back to the Lord. I attended an Assembly of God church in California. Though I never entered into the service, it caused me to have a real fear of God. Even if I only did something little wrong, I knew it was wrong. I went to school in California and finished the ninth grade in public school. Then I quit to enter Barber College. They said I was one of the youngest California barbers to graduate. At 18 I got my master degree in barbering.
My Marriage
When I was abort eighteen, I married. My wife was fifteen. She was a lovely sweet German-American girl but she had moody spells sometimes” which made me wonder if I should marry. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was a demon. Her grandfather was a Baptist preacher with a doctor’s degree. At one time she hlid been saved, but she had backslidden. I drank at this time, but had never made a decision for Christ, though I did have Him on my mind a lot of the time. We were married for two years and had two lovely children. After the second child was born, my wife was very weak. A suicide spirit took over. One day when I was at work, she took a gun and shot herself. We came in and found her there with blood all over her. I realized that my little wife was gone and I was alone. I stayed in a room by myself afterwards and picked up the Word of God. I knew I had to do something. I went to church at an Assembly of God and went down to the altar. When I was saved my heart was healed instantly. It was miraculous! A little later I asked the Lord to fill me with the Holy Ghost. The power of God was falling. I got down and said, “Lord, Lord, fill me.” Pretty soon, I began to go off under the Power. I really got the Holy Spirit. I talked in tongues until it seemed like I was going to float. I had only one desire to go to church. I lived for God for two years with a constant call on my life. I did not want to preach. I felt that I could just give money, to pay my way out of it, and get somebody else to do the preaching for me. It didn’t work.
Rejected my call
I lost weight; I was upset; money didn’t mean anything to me. For a Christian I began to get very sorrowful. I was nervous all the time, though I prayed constantly. I was running from God. No one knew my condition. Finally, I told God that I would not go. I told Him to leave me alone. Then a constant power from Satan came on me. Young people, I would advise you not to even take medicine with alcohol in it. Under the living conditions of today, your system just will not take it. You will become addicted. You can’t even drink socially and get by with it. The times we live in, and the fast age, have made your nervous system so that you cannot take it. After I rejected God’s call, I backslid. I started to drink hard liquor-before I was saved. I had only drunk beer, but now beer didn’t do any good. After a year of hard drinking, and begging the Lord to iust save me, but not call me to preach, I began to have convulsions, the last stage of alcoholism. I began to use dope. In my convulsions I chewed my tongue. My bones would come out of joint and have to be put back in. It was horrible! After two or three months of hard drinking, I would swell up, and have convulsions. To try to get off liquor, I would take pills, called . . However, they are too much like heroin; so I got on them. Alcohol itself is a light form of dope, and this all goes together.
Evil Powers
One time when I was under the influence of dope, I was going to the doctor and I thought I was going backward when I was really going forward. I went into the house and told them my head was on the wrong side and my feet were going the other way. I was loaded! When my father was a young man about twentynine years old, he was backslidden, and a hard drinker. He was walking down the road to get something to drink, while he was on a long drunk. There in the road was a turkey gobbler with a straw hat on. He said, “Hello, Henry. Where are you going?” That cured my Father. He only drank a few more times after that. He was seeing into the spirit world. He was being tormented by evil powers. While under the influence of liquor, ugly-looking creatures came up to me; men with guns; I heard sirens! One time in the hospital they strapped me down and I tore the leather straps off my arm. I ran out of the room, thinking I was headed outside, then broke through some doors into another patient’s room. They caught me and put me into the “psycho-ward”-a padded cell. I have seen all kinds of snakes and funny creatures while under the influence of alcohol. They were demon spirits. My mind was so weakened by alcohol that they could come in like a disease and take over. They could work and function through me. I have been in jail a few times; but I was raised with the policemen in my town and have cut their hair. They knew me. Instead of arresting me on a drunken charge, they would just take me home. I was never arrested on a drunken charge. The devil robbed me of everything I owned. I had my own home. Except for just a little owed, it was paid for. I lost it because of alcohol. I had a $5,000 barber shop. I lost that. I lost my bank account, my new auto-everything.
To An Institution
My dad was so concerned about me that he thought he could cure me by having me committed to an institution. My first thought was: “If I ever get out of here, I’ll never come to this crazy house with these nuts!” I slipped out two times, so they gave me a discharge. They said I was young. They gave me a G-2, which is to put needles in your head for an electro-cardiogram.
They told me “Just a few more steps, son, and you are through. You will have brain combustion the next time you have a seizure.” They had a psychiatrist talk to me while I was in the institution, but I didn’t tell him I was called to preach. I just said I wanted to drink. I do not believe anyone will tell a psychiatrist what is wrong with him. Nobody knows what it is to be in a snake-pit with demons until you get there. I heard human beings bark like dogs, hiss like snakes, roar like lions, and laugh like hyenas. They were demon-possessed. God showed me this so I could have power over the demons. They are real and alive today. Before I was committed to the institution, we were driving in the rain in my new 1955 Packard and we went around another car at 90 miles an hour. The car turned around three times and went into a culvert. Neither one of us was hurt. God spared my life. Another time God spared my life when I drove through the steel rails of a bridge with about a hundred foot drop off. The car was hanging on the side-almost over! Another time I was drunk and racing my car. I lost control and turned around three times. God set the car back in the road and I went right down the road again. The power of God is the only thing that can help people today.
What Changed Me
When I walked out of that institution, I said I would never go back again. My dad was ‘going to give me another chance to straighten up. He had picked up several of Brother W. V. Grant’s books which were laying around the house. I remember one was “Slow Down and Live”. Several things in those books really made an impression on me. I had this terrible call from God so long. The doctor said I would be dead by the time I was 27. Now I had reached that age. Friend, you should get some of Brother Grant’s books and read them. If you buy several, you will find the answer to your problem in one of them. I read Brother Grant’s books about faith and took it just like he said.God dealt with me. I went on a fast and God did the rest. Before I backslid, I had married again-a good Christian girl. She stuck by me through all my years of drinking. God told me that a girl was watching me. He showed me the place, the house and everything. At first, I never dreamed it was this girl. We had a lovely courtship.’ khad plenty of money and a new car. I was just beginning to get away from God because of His call on my life. She married me, for God was in it. She is a ,real Christian, who has never known anything but the Lord. I just said, “Let’s get married, honey.” She took me and my two children, instantly because she knew it was the will of God. I have never seen another girl like her. She prayed for me constantly even while I was in the institution. God gave her to me for He knew what I would go through. When I went on my fast, I didn’t really know anything about fasting. I would not advise you to go on a fast like mine, unless God leads you. Jesus said the Spirit of God led Him to go on His fast. God told me to fast, and I was figuring on fasting about four days. But the Spirit of the Lord was so good, powerful and gracious that I just kept on! I had never fasted over a time or two in my life that I can remember, before this. He came to me and showed me many things. At times I thought God had left me again. I was in worse shlme than I ever was. Then He came to me in the Spirit and began to encourage me. I lost from about 140 pounds to about 100 pounds. I drank a lot of water, but had no food, or juices of any kind. God led me to fast for forty days and nights. I prayed for fourteen and eighteen hours a day. I would stay up all night. Then when my wife got up in the morning, I would sleep for about four hours. No man could do this within himself. God was with me. lt was a constant battle between me and Satan, but I was determined to have it out. I even smelled the devil. I did not fear death during this fast.
Visit From God
God came to me and said He would be with me like He was with Joshua and Moses. He came in the Spirit three times. He showed me that this is the end time, and this is the last generation. One night, before I went on the fast, I was lying in bed. Suddenly I heard God speak to me. I shook my wife and tried to get her to listen. He said He was going to use me to heal the sick. Then during the fast, He came to me on the 7th, 21st and the 37th day, I believe. I do not want to boast; I do not mean to do that at all. There is a light like a neon light. Even Catholics have seen it. People who have cancer have seen it and suddenly had faith. Eardrums have been created when it appeared. Pastors have told me that the people who have seen this light are people who are solid. They were not given to emotion, yet they were strong, faithful people. It has been witnessed by more than one person at each service where it has been seen. It does not happen every night–only about every other meeting. It is some kind of light that heals the sick, and when it comes on me, anything can happen-any creative miracle. Demons will scream and come out sometimes before I even touch the people.
Creative Miracles
The creative miracles that I began to see were ear drums. God said to call them out. I began to call the people out. You could see the scar on some of them where the eardrum had been cut out. I would pray, and they could hear a faint whisper. Then God told me to call all the people who needed bones put back in their legs. They got the bones replaced! In Oakland, California, a man named John Snyder was in an automobile accident. His wife died and he was unconscious twenty-six days. The doctors operated on his leg. It was a little over four inches shorter than the other. God created bones, muscles, and everything. This man’s leg grew out in front of the audience. His neighbor and all his relatives came as a result. They said they had heard of miracles, but this miracle really shook them up. The doctors claimed that it is a creative miracle from God. Mr. Snyder was also healed of a bursted eardrum and gallstones. His neck was healed. A woman had the tendons cut out of her hand and she hadn’t moved it in twenty years. Brother Draper, of the Full Gospel Businessmen, was standing beside me in Oakland, California, when this woman came. You could see the scar across her hand. I said, “Brother Draper, do you believe that God can create for that woman?” The woman had come for something else, but I took hold of her hand and asked her if she could move it. She said, “No, I haven’t moved it in twenty years, Brother Frisby.” I said, “My ministry will create”. She smiled a little smile and when Brother Draper looked back, there it was! She screamed and ran all over the platform, “For twenty years, for twenty years, for twenty years!” And there was the hand going up and down! In Fresno, California, a young Indian girl came who had a bone cut out of her thumb. It was flat. I prayed. Immediately the bone appeared and filled up the flesh. A woman came to me who could not lift her eyelid because the tendon was cut. I prayed and suddenly the eye popped open. Another girl had a hole in the back of her leg where she had hit it on a barb wire fence. I asked her if she believed Jesus could heal her. She said she did; I prayed. When she reached back and looked, the skin and all was there.
Miracle Ministry
Eardrums, one right after another, were created; legs were lengthened, one right after another. Backbones, nerves and spinal parts were created. Hip sockets have been created, even when there was no ball. My own brother was born without a knuckle in one hand.
I prayed and almost a complete knuckle popped up! Insanity cases have been healed; blind people have seen again. I might also say that God caused eyelashes to grow on one girl who didn’t have any. I have seen enamel put back on teeth. I have even prayed for corns and they nave fallen oft in people’s socks, or just disappeared! I am a man given to prophetic visions the glory of the Lord in a vision of white shekinah. God showed me in a dream a man who didn’t have an eyeball. I prayed, and he had one. I believe overseas I will have eyeballs created as fast as I have seen eardrums created over here. I have had a partial kneecap put in, bones put back in, skin and flesh put back on. I prayed for a girl in the Imperial Valley. In her flesh was a great boil. She screamed and said, “Look, the red is gone and it is white!” God had put it back on. I have had stretcher cases and wheelchair cases healed instantly. I believe that the ministry is going to get so powerful that if you are not living close to the Lord, you will not be able to stay around a miracle worker. Human flesh will not be able to stand it. Even now, I can’t stay around anyone on the platform for very long because the anointing will wear them down. There is something strange about it. I have gone in cafes when I was seeking God. When I would sit down, someone else would sit down too. The devil in them would sense the anointing and I could see their eyes flare. They would throw their money on the counter, leave their food, and walk out. It was the devil wanting to get away from the anointing. I can discern evil spirits. People who had mental troubles and nervous breakdowns have been instantly healed in my meetings.
The Time Is Here
We are getting to the place where the miracles are so outward that people can no longer say” “There is ‘nothing to it.” People can see it is happening. We are getting to the place where some preachers are going to say, “We can’t deny that miracles are being performed, but it is being done by the devil.” That is when they are going to seal their doom, I do not believe that America will see too much of the creative though-it will most1y be overseas. When America does see it, it will be so quick, it will be over with. This creative power is going to bring Jesus back. God told me that any preacher, whether he be Lutheran, Methodist, or Pentecostal, if he denies miracles, he has the spirit of the anti-Christ, and doesn’t know it. I have seen epileptics healed instantly as fast as I touched them. They have never been bothered again unless they smoked, or did something to bring it back. The time is here that the devil will wear out the saints if he can. Unless you stay in a spiritual church there is no help for you. You must stay full of the Spirit. I wouldn’t watch certain things on TV; for after you are healed, the devil can enter back into you. I believe you should back the deliverance ministry. If the deliverance minister doesn’t spend the money right, he won`t be around long. You should read the Bible, pray, and keep full of the Spirit. I believe that you can be set free while you are reading this message. The anointing is upon me. God spoke to me and said, “The words I speak unto thee, write them and put them in a book.” I wrote that down and told my wife about it. Then God helped me to prepare this for you. Different people wanted to help me write it. God told me not to wait any longer. Brother W. V. Grant’s books are read around the world. God has led him to help me. God told me to come to Fresno. I had no idea that Brother Grant was going to be there. I had a dream. I saw Brother Grant and myself sitting talking, as we are while this message is being prepared. It happened just as the Lord showed me. I believe that Brother Grant is going to have some of his greatest meetings shortly.
The prophetic scrolls
Every Christian family should read these Scripts by Evangelist Neal Frisby concerning future events and the coming exploits of the Lord Jesus and amazing events of things to come!
- He predicted the Reagan presidency 14 years in advance. God foresees Leaders! (Isa. 46:10)
- Saw man’s moon landing 4 years in advance!
- He predicted the breakup of the California coastline and mudslides foreshadowing a great quake later!
- He foresaw the Mid-East crises in Lebanon!
- He prophesied the inflationary depression 7 years in advance!
- The prophet foresees a world food shortage and famine coming and when!
- He foresees a huge asteroid that will strike in the sea and earth! Seasonal time given!
- He foresees coming of world leader near, and a later U.S.A. leader! – Atomic War! When? – Read 7 Events of Destiny!
- We just mentioned a few events that Evang. Neal Frisby has given. There are many more events to take place. None have failed! They are given in the spirit of prophecy! (Rev. 19:10)
- Read about the explosive 80’s and … Economic conditions 80’s-90’s! – Also, will man reach the 90’s before Armageddon? – Locations given for coming wars. Visionary Map (letter).
- Many new important events given also!
- Don’t miss these fascinating Scripts:
Chapter 3 – This is my life
“But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.” (Job 1 :11-12) The devil was getting ready to give old Job a real battle. Job will show you, as a Christian, how you can stand on your own two feet, and battle the Satanic attacks that would take you into hell. As a young man I started in Barber college and finished it. I had a wonderful trade. I worked well with my hands. I began to drink. I got married very young about 18 years old. I had a beautiful wife and two children by the time I was twenty-one. She is gone now. I began to drink heavy but I never lost a day’s work. When I was a little child, I went to an Assembly of God Sunday school. Later in my life, God began to deal with me. I was always a little different from the rest of my family. I would drink, smoke and curse-none of my brothers did. Why? The devil was trying to take me completely and destroy me. As I drank, I still had a good job and made money. My wife was normal, except at certain times when something would get her down with a melancholy spirit, and take control of her. For about two weeks she would say nothing at all and would barely smile once in a while. You could see something had hold of her. But I could not figure it out. An x-ray machine didn’t show it, it was an evil spirit, a melancholy spirit from the devil. She had several of these spells while we were married. She had once been a Christian, a Baptist. God began to warn me that something was going to happen. We lived in a trailer house ; it was about the second spell she had. She saw a bright thing flutter over the bed; then it disappeared; She screamed and grabbed me. She said, “Honey, something came up close to the bed! It fluttered and looked like a dove!” I found out that the brightness of the dove represents the brightness of the Holy Spirit. He was warning her and me that He was soon to take His flight-warning her that judgment was coming. Soon her body would be too weak, from the next child that was on its way, to withstand the demon powers.
We neglected
We moved into a house. She had another one of those spells about three or four weeks after our second child was born. One night I was in bed. As I got up something caught my attention. I looked and saw two figures; they were angels, pointing to a certain spot; then they disappeared. I went to my father and told him what I saw. He had been attending an Oral Roberts crusade and had gotten saved. He told me I had better go to church, fast and pray, that God would lift this thing. He said he had noticed that something had been strange about my wife. I said, “Wait until the week end. I will go up there with you on the week end.” Friend, don’t wait. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time. Many a mother would have saved that gun from going off; many a person would have been saved from that car wreck; many a person that God deals with would never die with cancer if they would turn to Jesus. I put it off! Two more days and I was going to church. I left the house that morning and that was the last time I saw my wife alive. Her mother came by; she lived right down the street. She said she would go get the groceries. She came by the barber shop and waved ‘at me. About an hour ‘later a man rushed in and told my dad something. He came to me and said that we had better go. I knew something was wrong. By the time my wife’s mother got back to her, she was lying in a pool of blood on the floor, right where the angels had pointed! Her eyes were full of blood-a sweet young girl 16 years old. She was gone. My two children were still asleep. I didn’t know what to do. I took a week off from my work-I could not work. I got a room and was going to just stay drunk. I thought that maybe I could get it out of my mind. I got a Bible in the room with me. After about a week the Spirit of God began to call me. I got up and said, “I am going to church and I am going to get saved.”
I felt I couldn’t go
I went to church and some evangelist was teaching that night. I didn’t know what he said, but that night I went to the altar and got saved. I didn’t know anything about the Holy Spirit or the power of God. Later I was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was like fire in me! Soon, the Spirit of God bade me go preach and pray for the sick. I didn’t go at all! I turned Him down. If the Spirit of the Lord is grieved inside you, you are not happy at all. It is really torment. I began to fear the thing that God had called me to do. Satan began to torment me. Then I told God to leave me alone, I would not do it. One night I saw two demons. They were hideous and evil. Then they disappeared. Later they were to torment me for nearly seven years. In the meantime, I had done well and had my own barbershop. I had two barbers working for me. I had bought my own home and had any kind of automobile I wanted to drive. It wasn’t the money that caused me to quit church. It wasn’t because everybody liked me, or that I knew the City Council and people knew I was a young man, coming up quite well. Socially speaking, I was on the top of the list. It wasn’t because of that. Many thought it was money and prestige. The Spirit of God was grieving in me and I would not go. God had put me here to bring deliverance for His people and I would not go at all! Night after night I lost sleep and fought this thing. Night after night the devil tormented me. The devil can torment you, brother. And that Elvis Presley singer is tormented! That boy was just like myself. He was a Pentecostal boy, filled with the Holy Ghost. He sold his birthright for 30 pieces of silver. I believe that boy will go insane, because the Spirit of God will follow him. Watch him and see; I believe he will have to turn back. He is in a bad state now.
Bound by Demons
Finally, I said, “Leave me alone, just leave me alone.” I skipped church a few times. Don’t you ever miss church one Sunday, if you can help it. Two or three weeks went by. I thought I would make it all right and the thing would leave me alone. Then I would go back. I fought that call for two years and still stayed in church. I would not tell anyone about it. I took a drink of liquor to calm me down because I was going completely out of my mind. The devil was really tormenting me. Finally, I was drinking a fifth a day. After a year of that, my body would swell all over. I tried to come back to God. I went to the altar and prayed that He would take this curse off of me. I got up feeling pretty good, and went right back into the barber shop to cut hair. I disobeyed God again. You can’t do that! Then the Spirit of the Lord departed. I began to drink so heavy that I began to lose all my money. I drank every night in the bars. People would come to my dad and say, “You know, there is something strange about that son of yours when he is drinking. It hurts us to see him drinking.” They were alcoholics, but they knew I did not belong in there. There was no peace -in my soul at all. I would drink till I passed out behind my barber chair. Finally, I went to the hospital to the medical doctors. I went four or five times, but they could not do anything for an alcoholic. Year after year went by. More and more they admitted me. I began to have convulsions. I would fall on the ground, chew my tongue, and rip my arms. My eyeballs would pop out. I would knock holes in my head. They would have to put my shoulders back into place, because of the withdrawal system of these seizures. I would take three, four and five sleeping pills, trying to calm my nerves. I went to the psychiatric ward several times. I went to the state hospital and they said there wasn’t a chance for me.
Psychiatric ward
People who go to psychiatrists will not tell them what is wrong. I wouldn’t tell them that God had called me. About my third trip to the state hospital, a Jewish psychiatrist looked at me and said, “Man, we are going to put you in a box and bury you in the ground. You haven’t got a chance. You are a goner. You will lose your mind if you don’t die of a convulsion first.” I had a normal mind at times. I walked around the hospital and saw how the devil can bind people. They will not let me put in a book all I saw in that place. The people there had claws like animals. They were deformed worse · than beasts. They laughed like hyenas, roared like lions and hissed like snakes. They looked like demons and walked like imps. There was not a chance in the world for those people as far as medical ‘science can go. All this time God would say, “Son, one day you are going to loose these people.” Do you remember when Jesus put His foot on Gadera a man came and said, “We are legion for we are many?” Jesus said, “Come out.” The man’s mind was restored to normal. No more did he cut his legs on the rocks, cry, scream or break chains. Those poor people were some of the most horrible things I have ever seen. One man said, “If you think these are rough, we will take you down where nobody goes. That is the snake pit!” Down there they wore no clothes-they ripped them off. They ate their own waste. There were raving maniacs who would choke anyone to death if they got near them. Why? Because their forefathers turned their backs on God. God said, “I warned them if they would keep my judgments and my statutes, I would not bring this upon that generation. They disobeyed, laughed and mocked at me. So I have smitten them with a curse. Even to the fourth generation shall they be mad.” Sin brings on insanity and sickness. The mental institutions are packed to the brim; but there are more sick on the streets, at homes, in cellars and in little closets, than in all the institutions combined. I told the Lord, “If I get out of this place, I am not coming back. I will either die or find out something.” I lost all my business. The devil took everything that I had, but he could not take my life. I was in four automobile accidents. I could not hold a job-even with my dad. I began reading my Bible and several faith books by Evangelist W. V. Grant. I told my wife one day, “I am going to find out.” It had been seven years since I was saved. I decided that I was going to have it out with the devil.
Jesus spoke to me
I told the Lord I would do what He wanted me to do. Instantly by the power of God, and I lie not, a light feeling hit me. The demons had departed. I had no craving to drink, no seizures or convulsions. God said, “Set thy face toward me, son, and I will show you what to do.” One night before all of this came, I heard a voice. The Lord Jesus spoke and said He was going to use me. I awoke my wife and told her to listen, that somebody was talking to me. So, I set my face toward the Lord day and night, I had it out with the devil. I told him I had defeated him through Jesus Christ. I said, “Let’s see you make me eat, God said for me to fast!” Day and night with nothing but water-day and night the Spirit led me like He did Jesus. Day and night the Holy S.pirit came upon me. I slept around three or four hours. I spent the rest of the time on my knees praying, reading the Bible, walking and talking with the Lord. I was eighteen hours a day alone with God-day and night with no food, no juice, just water. My skin began to fall away. My eyes were sunken. A doctor would have said, in my condition, that it would kill me. I kept going. The devil fought me but he was defeated by faith. God came to me, spoke to me and dealt with me all the way through. He gave me a ministry over demon powers. People will cry, scream out in the audience and fall out, because the Spirit and power of God is near. Epilepsy will go as soon as the patient gets close to me. I had a man healed who was standing by me. He was stone blind. What was left of me after that fast was about ninety eight pounds-full of water. My knees did toss up and down like the locusts. My bones fadeth for fatness. My eyes were sunk in my head; most of my hair began to fall out. Did you know the anointing can get so strong that your hair will fall out?
Ministry Given
God told me that He was giving me this creative power. It would absolutely create eardrums instantly. one right after another. God began to lengthen those legs-put bone and muscle back in there. God told me. “Son, you have sought me, behold I give unto yon power. Even as I was with Moses, that anointing will rest on you. Be thou strong like unto Joshua. Be thou strong and be thou not dismayed at the devil or anybody else. I will stand beside you all the days of your life. Nothing will stand before you.” The new realm of the supernatural is now beginning to function creative power. This anointing will do anything that people will believe for. I’ll tell you folks. I have prayed at a distance and shook things. I have screamed and said, “Hear me like you heard Eliiah.” I have had a radio jump out of a window that was making a noise near where I was praying. People would come and ask how it got out there through the screen window. I told the woman because they were grieving the Holy Spirit. I told her I had a meeting in the Fairgrounds. I said, “Yom: radio is not hurt. I prayed and He hears me when I pray.” She was scared! She trembled. She took it back in her room and turned it on for a minute and said, “It works.” She was scared to death, for no one was in the room but her. God stopped the sun for Joshua. He caused it not to rain for Elijah. There was no dew on the ground. Why couldn’t He do it for me if He spoke to me the same way? I did not tempt God when I prayed that way. The Holy Spirit prayed through me because I was praying for my meeting. The music that was on the radio grieved God. He not only stopped the music, but He put the radio out on the ground and let me look at it. It goes a little further now-a-days. We are getting a stronger ministry.
A godly wife
The Lord gave me another wife, a Christian woman, two years after my first wife died. She prayed for me all through this alcoholism. She said, “Honey, that woman has nothing but religious music on that radio every day. She has never played anything else.”Young people, there is nothing to this devil-business of making you feel good under the influence of other thing.s. That wears off. Jesus Christ is here forever. We are getting ready for the end time. My wife could have no children. (I had two by my first wife.) For five years we lived together and had no children. About the time I received my ministry, both the little children were getting to the age where they could get along pretty good.
In a vision God showed me my wife in a maternity smock! I told her she was going to have a boy. She could not have children. She raised my two little children, and then God gave her one. Now we have a little boy. God knows how to plan your life. After I was healed, doctors, lawyers, and businessmen knew that there was still a God who could deliver. Nebuchadnezzar said, “There is no God like unto your God, Daniel. I thought it good to show forth the signs of your great god.” He said, “There is no other God that ‘can shut the mouths of the lions, or send heavenly angels to you.” When they saw Jesus they knew greater than John the Baptist was there. Never a man walked like this man ! Never a man spake like this man! Never a man had compassion like this man! Who was He? He was the supernatural Son of God! “We went over there to arrest Him.” “Why didn’t you kill Him?” “Never a man spoke like Him.” “Are you mad too, and also following Him?” “We couldn’t touch a man like that! We have never seen anything like that!” “We have to do something about this fellow, He will have the whole world following Him and Caesar will soon go out.” He would have to. Never a man spoke like this man; never a man did actions like Jesus did.
He gives you power
When Jesus left, He said, “The power I have I will give unto you.” He went away and said, “I will send you the Comforter.” He gave men gifts of power. Today the church is supposed to come into the fullness. The devil is also going into his fullness. There is a big war on between those two great spiritual realms. God has sent me for your deliverance right now. I do not care what is wrong with you, you will be healed. Remember, He healed you on the cross. You will be set free. Young people, you never needed God like you do in this hour. Give Him one more chance in your life tomorrow may be too late. Mothers, pray for your sons out in the world of sin. Jesus is on His way. He told me this generation shall not pass. America, America, you had better wake up. Jesus is concerned over you like He was Jerusalem. He said, “Your house is left unto you desolate.” He is performing greater and mightier miracles for His people than He did in the Old Testament. That is all He can do for you. Receive Him as your personal savior right now. It only takes one little breath to say, “Jesus, I am going to take you as my saviour.” I have been worried, frantic, distressed and nervous, but there is one cure-the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Great Physician, the Great Psychiatrist. He can straighten out your troubles. Anyone who has not received Jesus Christ hasn’t got a normal mind. If you are lost, you are bound by evil spirits in the flesh part of your body. Jesus will make you normal. The days of Sodom and Gomorrah are in the world today. If Jesus would have done these same miracles in Sodom and Gomorrah, they would have repented and stood till this day.
The spirit speaks
America, America, how oft have I dealt with you. You have stoned my prophets and my miracle workers. You said “You have no need of God”. Yea I have said unto you, turn you from your wicked ways. You say, “We are full. We have no need for thee. Thy Spir it cannot lift us up, neither can it help us out of this trouble. This is a job for us to do. Yea let’s leave you out of this.” Yea, saith the Lord God, “I am visiting this earth with the Spiritual gifts of power. Even to loose you and set you free. As in the days of Moses when I led them out, I am leading you out also. Why will ye turn your back upon the Spirit and power that created you? Thus saith the Word of the Lord God, as I speak it through my servant, Ye shall say, Blessed is the name of the Lord. Soon ye shall desire to see me and ye shall see me not. Where I go ye cannot come. I will take my church, yea, and she shall be gone. There is trouble in the land, coming soon with sorrow. Yea, yea, there are sorrows coming. Judgment is at “hand. All flesh shall bow before the great Creator. Then what shall man say? What shall man do? He shall give an account? I say unto thee, the hairs on your head are numbered as the teeth in your head are numbered. Yea, I have created you and ye have mocked your Maker. Ye have mocked me, saith the Lord God, for the last time. Yea, saith the Lord God, I am visiting you in the most strange, phenomenal, supernatural way. You have ears to hear, yet you understand not. You have eyes to see but’ you see not. Yea saith the Lord, I have given you a mind, but you understand not. Yea saith the Lord, thy God, your knowledge is naught because you have your own knowledge and not the Lord’s. Yea, you seek for man’s help, but he cannot help you, because man cannot help himself. I am the Lord thy God that liveth forever and ever. Besides me, there is no way out. I am the first and the last. I am Alpha and Omega, I am He that was and is, and is to come, saith the Lord God. Yea I have arisen from the dead. I am in the Spirit, walking in my people. If ye will hearken to the Word of the Lord now, I will be gracious and forgive you for your sins. Yea saith the Lord thy God, your sins are not too black that I won’t push them clear out in the waves of the sea and remember them no more. I will blot them out of my book, saith the Lord, save you and heal your bodv. If you shall believe this, this moment you will be set free because I am here saith the Lord God. Yea, no man speaketh to thee; It is the Spirit and power of Jesus. Yea if ye shall heed the Spirit of God, then I will come unto you. I shall come swiftly to my temple, saith the Lord.
Receive deliverance
People, the Word of the Lord is near. That is God working through prophesy for you. He will suddenly come to His temple. Who is His temple? You are! The devil will depart. I can feel those demons now. They can’t stand the anointing. They are getting ready to leave. God is by your side. You are reading this message because of the presence of God’s Spirit. This is the hour of your visitation. You are reading this message for a reason. Lay your’ hand on your heart. God sees your heart. Yea, saith the Lord, one more time will I speak unto thee. One more time will I cry out in my Spirit. One more time will I warn thee that judgment will soon hit the land. Yea it shall quake, rocking back and forth. Yea, yea, it shall do that, just that thing shall come upon you. The things that I speak unto you, they are life. Will you take me now, saith the Lord? Or shall ye depart without me?” Lay your hand on your heart: Lord, in Jesus’ Name, I command the demon powers to loose them and let them go. Loose these people, Satan. Come out now, in Jesus’ Name. Arise, neighbor, and be made whole-go in peace. Jesus Christ has made you free. He has forgiven your every sin and healed your body as you agree with me now. Amen.

Creative miracles
This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.
Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.
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