Book of letters to the saints

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. The Lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy? Amen!” (Amos 3:7, 8)
(See Capstone Temple — God’s Crowning Sign!— Tatum and Shea Blvd., Phoenix, Arizona)
This is a dramatic book of “Letters To The Elect Saints! As you well remember God spoke to John in a similar manner one time. (Rev. 1:11) “Saying I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: What thou see write in a book and send it unto the 7 Churches!” Verses 12 and 13, “Jesus was standing in the midst of the 7 golden candlesticks! And the 7 spirits of revelation was upon him from the throne!” (St. John 1:4) “And we might say as he was told also, the time is at hand! These revelative and prophetic letters were written from early 1970 to middle part of 1973 to the author’s partners and are put here in a volume for your convenience and reading enjoyment and will build faith in you! “It is a book of treasures, a volume of prophetic visionary utterance and soundness of spirit! This is a series of admonitions and encouragement to the elect warning the end of the age is near!” God’s spiritual jewels will be sparkling like coals of fire around the reader mysterious events will be revealed and the presence of the Lord will be near!” Although in these letters to the elect the Lord Jesus does bring solemn warnings of pending retribution, at the same time they also abound with the anointing of joy and love and will bring wisdom and knowledge! It will create within you a steadfastness in the Lord! And you will read about the great prophecy concerning the Temple which came to pass before our very eyes as the majestic structure was completed.
“The Lord Jesus told me the Capstone Pyramid was built for a sign, it is a “time clock” revealing the last days are here!” 一 And as you will notice much emphasis was placed on the Temple in the written letters because we were in the process of building and of a necessity had to speak of it often.” But the Lord Jesus revealed the real reason was, because God’s Headstone face was carved along side of it in the mountain! (Dan. 2:34, 35, 45 — Mark 12:10 — Rev. 4:3 — Ps. 18:22) And Jesus appeared and was photographed over it, and also astounding, miraculous pictures were taken of the Holy Spirit in various dimensions and magnitudes of omnipotent shekinah colors! Truly spectacular occurrences, illuminating from the spiritual world! Wondrous signs! The photographs are authentic and already have been confirmed a classic work of the Holy Spirit! The color laboratory here attests it is the infallible work of the Supernatural Christ, the anointed one!——(So we were not trying to be repetitious about the building, but that it was actually the Lord’s way of showing us it was to be a very important place for Him to unfold the last mysteries and signs gathering His true bride!) — “We pray you will enjoy the scenes enclosed”. II Peter 3:16, “reminds us that some things are hard to understand, but let the spirit lead each one who reads this book!”
Book of letters to the saints
This book is a compilation of letters written by Neal Frisby since February, 1970. Inspiring message printed July 1973.The Lord’s Jewel Radiating Healing, Life and Love!
God’s streamline house of “bright fire”, the sun dial of time reveals the church age is ending! There is so much life in the Temple until it actually feels like a heavenly emanating living creature let down from heaven in the form of a Pyramid star of dynamic light! — “The sacred key to the Thunders opens the door for the elect to enter into the royal house of the King, in the presence of the Monarch. ”Titan” on the hill!” — Speaking in comparison concerning the supernatural, there has been nothing like this since the days of Pharaoh and Joseph in gifts and revelation prowess! God moves quick like the lion now! His Temple will be more noted than the Great Pyramid of Egypt, unusual and incredible power ever seen to the elect! (Check other pictures, you can see the top Cap looks like a celestial crown in the form of wings or star-like look!) — Jesus is in His elect, He is in the Headstone and the Headstone ministry is in His people, exalting a wheel within a wheel of blazing deity around us! You can see a “tip of red” on top denoting the pillar of fire over us! (aerial photo, pages 49, 51) – Due to the location of Temple, size, and the rare architectural design, it is valued at several million dollars already.
The face of God in golden twilight, the “great seal head”
Formed in pyramid temple, the long awaited Capstone and the Amen messenger! “Behold I send the prophet before My face! —O thou brethren dwell in sweet unity!” 一 “Yea a three fold cord is not quickly broken! (Eccl. 4:12) (The stone which the builders refused is made the head. Ps. 118:22 — Zech. 4:7 — Mark 12:10) – (Partner took picture of the beautiful fire of glory.) And “Elijah said, and the God that answereth by fire, let Him be God! (I Kings 18:24) — Behold it is well spoken!” (also read Ezek. 1:26-28) “The magnetic amber cloud of fire that led the children of Israel will now lead the bride joined to the Pyramid Temple! He is her head! (Eph. 2:20-22 — Eph. 5:23)
The light of destiny
“Notice the gold amber coat Bro. Frisby was led to get before hand matches the picture of the pillar of fire on front cover and in book which was taken later! And symbolizes being covered by the amber anointing! (Also Jesus is in the light of destiny near him! The picture is the light that appeared in the auditorium, His royal brightness, and also stays by Bro. Frisby while praying for the sick!) “This is the same light that came down and was made flesh in the form of Jesus in old times!”
Glory smoke around Bro. Frisby
“As the Bible says the lion has come up out of the thicket, he is on his way! The Lion ministry of power is the strongest among beasts!” Remember in Rev. 4:7. The first beast messenger was like a Lion; denoting power the Lord would send!” You can see the glory smoke whirling off and around Bro. Frisby as ho crosses to enter by the veil into the auditorium for the afternoon service! You can see the orange light striking behind him and faintly on the woman! “Remember God has glory smoke! (Rev. 15:8) Anti the Lord’s wrath soon will be poured out after the translation! Smoke in God’s house can mean divine anger coming and the day of mercy is passing from men who turned deaf ears to God’s mercy! Time is short, only judgment soon will be left!” (Isa. 6:1-4)
An ancient Hebrew scroll or book
“This picture looks like an ancient Hebrew scroll or book over the side of platform! And this may be just the Scripture to put here to blend with the rest of the pictures too. Ezek. 2:9, 10 “Verse 10” And he spread it before me and it was written within and without. Also it reminds me of these scriptures, Dan. 7:9-10 — The judgments were set and the books were opened! Rev. 20:12.
His magnificent presence and shekinah glory
“His magnificent presence and shekinah glory is just bursting forth in the heavens also reaching and resting on the ground by these people! The person who sent this picture had just been in our last revival, and His presence was still strongly felt and was manifested in a beautiful sign to them!” – “The Lord is good unto them that wait for him!” (Lam. 3:25)
Holy fire under the prayer line
“Surely God’s message is being written in gathering of fire under the pulpit!” 一 Bro. Frisby is standing before the blazing light of deity! “When seen in this manner or on the altar it is also vindictive of God’s judgment to come upon the nations soon!” — Rev. 8:5, “And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar!” — But in sight of His elect it means final deliverance and visitation for those believing! (Read verse 4) – You can see living Holy fire under the altar and pulpit, and the prayer line. God is about to take the fire off the altar and scatter it among the holy people! “As we remember this Scripture Ezek. 10:2 —And also reminding us of this; II Thess. 1:8, In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!” 一 “Yea do you not remember this Scripture I kings 18:24, And the God that answereth by fire, let him be God!” 一 When we see the fire we know justice will soon reign among God’s children! In Rev. 10:1, And His feet as pillars of fire!
Front aerial view
The mountain face cannot be seen from this point, it is over some but from the ground lines up directly with the corner of the Temple! (Also have one from an aerial view that we will show later, it is marvelous to see, a spiritual classic!) Also from the Deity chin to the cap crown and the pillar flame it covers about 3 to 5 miles of sculptured mountain! The world’s rarest most unique, startling and dynamic wonder! The Bible declared that it would appear, the astounding Great Pyramid in Egypt in cryptogrammic symbols depicted it would be seen. Zech. 4:7 — Zech. 3:9 and scores of other Scriptures declared the masterpiece of the Lord of Host! I Peter 2:6-9 said the ”Chief stone! — ”And the Lord saith, I have sent My servant in whom I shall be pleased!” The reason we speak so much about this sanctuary is that God has done nothing quite like this in 6,000 yrs! and “it’s time” we say something to “lift Him up high”. Amen!)
The Lord’s Jewel Radiating Healing, Life and Love!
God’s streamline house of “bright fire”, the sun dial of time reveals the church age is ending! There is so much life in the Temple until it actually feels like a heavenly emanating living creature let down from heaven in the form of a Pyramid star of dynamic light! — “The sacred key to the Thunders opens the door for the elect to enter into the royal house of the King, in the presence of the Monarch. ”Titan” on the hill!” — Speaking in comparison concerning the supernatural, there has been nothing like this since the days of Pharaoh and Joseph in gifts and revelation prowess! God moves quick like the lion now! His Temple will be more noted than the Great Pyramid of Egypt, unusual and incredible power ever seen to the elect! (Check other pictures, you can see the top Cap looks like a celestial crown in the form of wings or star-like look!) — Jesus is in His elect, He is in the Headstone and the Headstone ministry is in His people, exalting a wheel within a wheel of blazing deity around us! You can see a “tip of red” on top denoting the pillar of fire over us! (aerial photo, pages 49, 51) – Due to the location of Temple, size, and the rare architectural design, it is valued at several million dollars already.
God’s holy cloud over the tree
“Look at God’s holy cloud over the tree here! We can also remember the cloud that came over Jesus when some heard the voice in the Bible!’ “These are not ordinary clouds, but are divine like Moses saw! Ex. 24:15-18 — Ex. 19:16) John saw clouds receiving the book of Revelations, and the Lord is manifesting in clouds to His servant who is now revealing important parts of Revelations!” (Rev. 10:1-4 — Job. 27:11 — Ezk. 1:4) – ‘The Lord can and does appear in many attributes and dimensions. He was in a rainbow to Noah and Ezekiel! The Holy Spirit can blend to produce many majestic and royal colors!” (Rev. 4:3) He is sovereign and all power; Jesus will be coming in clouds of glory!
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God. (Rev. 4:8)
“Not a person will question His works or these pictures and visions on paper when the ancient of days sits!” (Dan. 7:9)— Jesus told me the photographs of His glory, principalities, and shekinah was the evidence to this generation, the very “real evidence” of the Holy Spirit”!— “also He went before the children of Israel with a pillar of cloud!” (Ex. 40:36-38)

Letters to the saints by Neal Frisby
This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.
Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.
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