
Unprecedented in Church history
“The set of pictures in scope are unprecedented in Church history and are timed by an omnipotent God, the motive is beyond human intellect, preordained perfectly for this hour blending with the Scriptures in divine revelation reality, corresponding with the Spirit! In the hour the mystery of God should be finished! (Rev. 10) The divine perfectness is exact and beyond mortal conception. These sovereign acts were constituted to appear on film, timed in destiny.”
“It is way beyond the human ability to bring out the importance of all these pictures, even the most gifted pen must fall completely short in describing all they mean and their wonders! Even if one had the ability of an arch angel he could not portray in earthly words the absolute majesty of these unique manifestations and the sublime workings of the spirit! Who can describe His beauty and royal presence?” We are entering the translative faith of Christ and are being readied for a new heavenly sphere of revelation, and rapturing shekinah is appearing! “We are heading soon for a dramatic spontaneous gathering of the harvest!”
The photos blend perfectly with the Scriptures
“Each picture contains and unfolds a special divine revelation and truth, they hold a rich reward for those who search and believe, though some things are concealed they portray ultimately the will and acts of God! These are a gallery of spiritual photos that depict the Lord’s grand principalities and His plan to gather His manifested sons!” The living photos blend perfectly with the Scriptures, Jesus is bringing the Bible in picture form like visions on paper! “Each shows a separate phase or dimension of the spirit; their key work is to bring love and unity to produce translative faith in the 7 Thunders! The Lord Jesus becoming real to His bride!” They are a remarkable consistant pattern, in revealing His deep secrets! No human intelligence could arrange such a divine display, even from the Headstone to the last one! “Thus saith the Lord!” 一 The glory of the Lord was here first, the earth was secondary, His presence surrounds us! “The spirit of God is like the sun shining through a glass, He pierces or can shine through all things that He creates!”
The giant hand
Out of the little veil room came the dazzling white creative hand of Jesus formed in snowy brilliance! You can see the shepherds cane or what we call the ancient staff or rod across His wrist upside down pointing toward heaven! (Rev. 12:5) and leads man child! can see where His hand is lifted up across over the pulpit and stage and He is holding a “little opened” book of glory directly over where I minister!,, In (Ezek. 8:2, 3) a large hand was seen also. Ezekiel was the noted prophet who had wheels, cherubims and living creatures around him: (Ezek. Chap. 10) Also in Rev. 5 evidently that book revealed the mysteries of the Bible of the 7 Church Ages. This little opened book in His hand is to the bride, only God can open it! The 7th Seal, Book of Thunders (Rev. 10:4) is to the redeemed, “predestined first fruits!” This little flock is exalted in God’s shekinah wheel of celestial power! “Thus saith the Almighty deity hand of truth!” Thus the last hidden plan of the ages was concealed and is being revealed at the appointed time. Also the book in Dan. 12:4 was sealed until the end. In Scr. 60 it is written the book of Thunders is in the Chief cornerstone and this book lines right up with the Headstone which is behind the Temple! The opened book in His hand reaches up, and is directly by the outside heavenly opened door we sent in a preceding picture. Jesus is truly revealing what eyes hath not seen or heart not known (also Elijah saw a cloud hand). I Kings 18:44. Behold I the Lord shall leave no doubt about it, this is My Temple, servant and people!” He is vindicating and the pictures are authentic! Ezek 2:9 This was taken in the front part of Auditorium in the early morning before evening service, when the sermon “The Spiritual Veil” was preached and is now in book form. (Notice 5 people in picture, one is sitting by Veil).
The Lord’s glory, His thick presence
(Bro. Frisby was to the left in the passage hall praying for the sick. ) “These pictures were taken the last day of the meeting in the afternoon service (part view) — thousands attended the night services”. — You can see the Lord’s glory, His thick presence pouring forth like molten substance in manifestations and all type colors, including a silver and gold look! — (Dan. 10:5, 6) — (Mal. 3:1-3) “Behold I send My messenger, “but who may abide the day of His coming, who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner’s fire, and like ful-ler’s soap; and he shall sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver and purge them as gold and silver! — “Behold the swift witness is among you! “for I am the Lord I change not!” (verse 6) — “Rev. 3:18, — “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou may-est be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed!” — (Mark 4:28, 29, “But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle because the harvest is come!” — (Matt. 13:30, “But gather the wheat into my barn!” — (Ps. 72:6, “He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass as showers that water the earth! “Thou 0 God did send a plentiful rain! (Ps. 68:9 “where by thou didst confirm thine inheritance when it is weary!” (Verse 19) “Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Se-lah!”
The emerald wheel
“And His wheels as burning fire!” (Dan. 7:9) – The emerald wheel of glory manifesting like Ezekiel’s day, he saw the future signs! In the Scriptures Ezek. 10:13 it reads “O wheel!” — “It is blue green with a soft gold yellow hue radiating edges, a circle speaks of infinite, it is deity in the air! Also the throne is circled in an emerald bow for He remembers mercy in the midst of wrath”! (Rev. 4:3) Thou hast seen the wheel of the Almighty! “The cherubims, living creatures are identified with the wheels and work together in unity with God’s glory!” (Ezek. 1:19 Ezek. 10:15-19) As we know the wheels and living creatures appear with the writer! (Ezek. 9:3, 4, 11, Ezek. 10:1-4) and also Ezek. 2:9 said, when I looked behold a hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of book was therein! (See picture above) — The wheel is in line with the Headstone flame and near the Temple Top Cap and is similar to the blue green color of it. And is somewhat like the sapphire throne in Ezek. 1:26, 28 — The different colors would denote a wheel within a wheel! (Ezek. 10:10) We can see now why Satan publicized his evil saucers, but they do not look like this. “He was discrediting before hand by counterfeiting that which was to appear now — the wheels of God! ——”Behold saith the Lord, My children are receiving My innermost secrets!” – The dramatic picture was taken from the corner. You can see the mercy wheel is on the other side of the wires where the street light was on red. It was not on the side where the green light was, because that is the side where the person took the picture at a distance. Film laboratories say it is definitely not a reflection, but is real! It is an astounding sight. (By turning the pic leftward you can see the wheel over the nose and head of the mountain face!) “The wheel ring reveals the joy of the Lord and may represent the wedding of the Bride to Christ is near!**
Like the glowing head of Christ
“This is like unto the glowing head of Christ over audience looking toward the stage! To the right over the people’s heads you can see what looks like small figures of glory smoke! And the form portrays to us these Scriptures —Mal. 4:2, “Sun of righteousness arising with healing in His wings. Remember the wings of the pulpit are in front of Him also! (Rev. 10:1, And His face as it were the sun!— Rev. 1:16, And His countenance was as the sun shineth in His strength!” (This was taken by a partner during service time.)
The Queen in gold of Ophir
Jesus pictured His bride surrounded in golden spirit!” (Ps. 45:9-11) “You can see the glory “golden amber” rising and falling on the ground and appearing on the Headstone face in the background mountains!” “Remember it was an awesome sight in history when Moses led the Israelite’s out of Egypt and to the foot of Mount Sinai! There, amid fire, glory, and earthquake, thunder, lightning and shekinah smoke! (Ex. 19:17-18) — Behold ye shall see a new stirring of the Lord!”
the glory falling on the old barrel
“See the glory falling on the old barrel bringing our attention to when He visited the elect woman and said, the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither the cruse of oil fail, until the day the Lord sendeth rain (revival) upon the earth!” (I Kings 17:13-23) Also the miracle of raising the child happened! After the barrel experience Elijah was translated! II Kings 2:11 All this is typing what will soon happen to the bride today! (Notice two barrels, the glory only fell on the one, because behind it you can see “the face” of the Headstone! And the little riffles behind His cap is like the flame in His throne”! (Turn picture side ways) — “This old barrel lines up directly across from where we keep the original “Blessing Barrel.” The Temple is leftward of picture. Notice the broom lines up with the little veil and where I write, this types He is going to thoroughly clean up His spiritual church!”
The opened door
“The opened door, Rev. 4:1. — And John was caught up before the throne — It also symbolizes the bride rapture is near! (Rev. 3:6, 7) And through the open door John saw “one set” who was to look upon like Jasper and a Sardine stone and a rainbow round about! (Rev. 4:3) And directly across from this (picture) door is the Headstone and below it is the rainbow seats in the Temple!” (See page 206 in Scroll Book.)
A sign from God
A little “angel messenger” appeared over this woman who is anointed by reading the scrolls! “The sacred angel is hidden in glowing light, pulsating living colors of divine presence and life! We are seeing the back of it, it is in3 the shape of a dove with wings folded at the top in white light around the head which is covered by a royal blue velvet sapphire color! The inside is full of transparent bright white light” which one cannot tell fully but by seeing the negative we have!” It is hovering and glowing around the edges full of eyes (light) which can see in every direction! Cherubims and seraphims do not look like the other angels in the Bible, they are mysterious, they know the inner secrets of God and are filled with 7 fold light and are the closest around His throne! (Isa. 6:9,3) You are looking at something that can not die, it was created to live eternally with God! It can but leave us in awe, heaven has come down to us, He is preparing His bride! “This is a sign of holiness fore running the coming of the Lord!” These “little living creatures” stay covered in light possibly with wings “or hands” folded under! No one knows for certain which rank or order this angel is of but it is a divine sign, also there are guarding and escorting angels! (Gen. 3:24) “The above remind me of the little angels that say holy, holy, holy in His presence!” “They are called the burning ones or living ones!,, The color of the angel below seems to be pure white, light blue, dark green blue edges, and blue sapphire velvet! “These color patterns are involved with Heaven’s throne!” There are also recording angels and those that encamp around the saints! Ps. 34:7 (Dan. 4:13-17 angelic watchers). The Lord is truly mysterious in His secrets but this angel is 100% Scriptural! For instance (Ezek. 1:4) depicts a whirlwind, a brightness, a fire around it! Then out of this came four living creatures! — The Bible also depicts similar creatures as wheels, seraphims and “lovely little beasts of power”. (He has ”different ranks” of angels and holy powers which do not resemble the other angels and are an extraordinary total different creation!) (Isa. 6:2 — Rev. 5:8 — Rev. 4:8). A rare and remarkable event, today’s foremost picture of a magnetic angel folded in creative light! “A special agent from Jesus, nothing photographed this close in all church ages!” Her son-in-law thought to surprise her with a quick picture and simultaneously the celestial messenger appeared! “It is from the 7 fold splendor of the Most High! The little radiating visitor covered Himself in heavenly light of myriad colors!,,
The sovereign royal light
“The infinite star the omnipotent brightness of Jesus which created the universe!” This same light of knowledge can expand and fill the earth with His brilliant presence! The most important light that Jesus appears in, and of any age, it is to finish the harvest! “The Day Star,, II Peter 1:19 — This picture was taken as the light rose in the Temple, moved and rested over the “little veil!” A startling and incomparable sign! “This undisputed supreme act was constituted to appear on film in the exact destiny of time! This is the light that is on me at the platform while praying over the sick and moves on the audiences to heal! “The flame appeared in the Old Testament, this is the New Testament light that appeared to Paul!” (Acts 9:3-5) Jesus is this light of the world, our regal star “Savior!” The light to the major messenger, soon time shall be no more! (The light is to the left corner, just above back seats!)
The great light and the fiery sword
“‘You can see the great light and the fiery sword of the Lord coming out of His cloudy pillar like hand (Ps. 99:7) striking across the 7 Church Age ridges!” (One ridge cannot be seen from this view) (Rev. 1:14-16) Also you can see the sword light strike the pole shining underneath pointing to my message, because where it hits the side is where the scrolls are mailed out! “Notice in front of the woman to the right is concrete stone in the form of a sword, bearing earthly witness to the heavenly sword! “Thus saith your King the most high God of all the earth!” — I am the Lord that is My name and My glory I will not give to another! (Isa. 42:8-9) And new things do I declare and before they spring forth I tell you of them, sing unto the Lord! — Magnify the Lord Jesus with me, ye people and let us exalt Him together!” (Picture taken after construction was finished.)
The Majesty of the Most High 一 The Lord Jesus!
Opening up His heart to you in this sign! This picture was taken by the office door as a sign of His soon return!Celestial fire appearing in anointing
“The King’s messenger cometh wrapped in celestial fire appearing in anointing like Elijah, and holdeth the lion’s rod!” (Notice darkness of the clouds and no sun, yet this bright wonder of His appeared on film!) (This unusual and magnificent photograph tuas taken during the meeting of the surroundings and this showed up on the film, the rarest ever recorded!) “Yea did not I say I would 加 a cloud and a wall of fire around Capstone (Zech 2:5) and would be unto it as coals of fire!” You can see the royal stones (pillars of fire!) To the left you can see the glory smoke! (Isa. 6:4) Read Ezek. 10:2 — An awesome God displaying His love and signs! Entering the 7th spiritual magnitude! looks like the Temple is sitting back in a dimensional veil!,, “Yea this be the King’s voice in the Pyramid, house of the 7th scroll angel uttering Thunders, the 7 lamps igniting creative fire!”
Gather the harvest – behold the time
And He had in His hand a little book open: and He set His right foot upon the sea, and His left foot on the earth, (and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roar-eth, and when He had cried, 7 Thunders uttered their voices. (Rev. 10:1-4), Rev. 4:7)
“Yea he that loveth My servant, Him will I love, and he that hateth him shall come into the judgment!”
The amber veil
“The curtain of shekinah glory like waves covered and crossed between Bro. Frisby and the people while ministering! “You can see the people sitting literally in a golden blanket of absolute deity of His shekinah! “Lovely sweet bands of His Holy divine presence, a roll of supernatural light like a transparent shield”! “Yea saith the Lord, remember Solomon’s Temple, behold I anointeth “Capstone” even more!” The attributes and the spirit of God dwell here like no other place on the earth! (On the left side of picture you can see where there was a slight smear on it before it was given to us.)
Three coals of fire
At the top you can see THREE LIVE COALS OF FIRE! “This dark veil is the shadow wings of the Almighty and out of the darkness came forth live hot coals!” Supernatural creative sparks of the Most High! Glowing coals of fire above the altar like revelative eyes! “Angels have been seen in the meeting — and behind the red coals are concealed angels!” “The little rings of fire depict creative power appearing, and the sparks line up in the direction of the Headstone mouth behind the building! (This happened hours before service blocking out front lights as they made their appearance!) This event was prophesied on Scr. #61, where it said the wings of a great angel would pass over Capstone! Read also the end of Scr. 62. The coals are behind the pulpit over the altar of the stage where Bro. Frisby ministers. (The pulpit cannot be seen ——This is a front view of the altar below the giant central arena aud.) Read Ezek. 10:2-4 — Isa. 6:6-7 — Rev. 8:5 — Prov. 15:3) — “Never in the history of the church ages has anything like these events been seen and photographed!” The little coals depict the Temple is just filled with the deity of the Lord of Host! “We are walking in heavenly places, a new dimension is appearing!
Silver wings and golden feathers
(Ps. 68:13) Yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold! — (Ps. 68:35) O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places! The God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people, blessed be God! – “Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing and then said they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them (Ps. 126:2-3) – (Ps. 68:4), ”Sing unto God, sing praises to His name extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name, JAH, and rejoice before him!” – (Ps. 33:3, “Sing unto Him a new song, play skillfully with a loud noise for the word of the Lord is right, and all His works are done in truth! (Ps. 36:8-9, “They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house, and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures for with thee is the fountain of life, in thy light shall we see light!” (Read Mal. 4:2 – “Healing Wings!”)
As a refiners fire
“Behold I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt (spiritual bondage) — open thy mouth wide and I will fill it! (Ps. 81:10) “Give ear, O shepherd of Israel, thou that leadeth Joseph like a flock, thou that dwelleth between the cherubims, shine forth! (Ps. 80:1) — “Behold God standeth in the congregation of the mighty, He judges among the gods! (Yea and also read Ps. 82:6) Behold did not I say call unto me and I would answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not! (Jer. 33:3)— But “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion!” (Amos 6:1) This spiritual scene and others are very expressive, enlightening and illuminating, melting, consuming and transforming, “thus the Holy Ghost works in our hearts as a refiners fire, penetrating, melting, and purging our hearts of all corruption!”
Note: The zero markings on the bottom are Kodak film numbers, this shoivs the authentic original state when the picture was taken!
The healing light
(The remarkable attribute of God, the supernatural blue healing light visits His chosen!) —”This was taken by a motion picture camera in 1962, this shows one segment of the film. On the other pictures which follow it showed the Holy Spirit light moving from Bro. Frisby’s arm over to each case and they were definitely healed of all manner of diseases! Now this was seen on actual motion pictures as it took place! “Behold saith the Lord a three fold cord is not quickly broken (Eccl. 4:12) and neither is a three fold ministry that is wrapped in 7 lightnings (7 powers). — (Ps. 119:89 Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven! “Concerning all these pictures and the Headstone face they are for the household of God”! (Eph. 2:20-22 ,,And ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into an Holy Temple in the Lord, in whom ye also are build together for a habitation of God through the spirit”. (His universal Temple, one new body!) — (We are looking at things that were not seen before, but are now seen!) — “Behold is it not written I said unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory of God! (John 11:40)
Sparkling balls of white shekinah
“Notice behind a partner the sparkling balls of white shekinah that appeared from the Holy Spirit as this was filmed! Beautiful Sign!”
Glory smoke over the house
“And in the second picture the Holy presence changes colors along side the ground, the wall and mountain forming a square, then turning into glory smoke over the house where scrolls are written near Headstone mountain!”
The bright cloud at the foot of HEADSTONE!
A mysterious mist, a haze brilliance of glory cloud appeared at the foot of the headstone mount, rolling towards Temple close by where scrolls are written (and Heaven gave forth rain and the earth brought forth her fruit!) —Zech. 10:1 In the time of the latter rain the Lord shall make “‘bright clouds” and shall give showers! (Picture was taken early morning) We are witnessing things the old prophets saw! (Notice spots across front of cloud is where Kodak print came through.)
The pillar of infinite light
Notice the way the picture was taken caused the building to take on a form like a fish, you can see the eyes, mouth and teeth like symbol in the front entrance, it is a warning sign like Jonah’s day. “Behold read” Matt. 12:41-42! (A partner took this picture, and noticed the creative fire of brightness that appeared on film.) “The amber flame, the crowning fire!” — The Lord reigneth, let the earth be moved! (Ps. 99:1) Notice when the light descended it was so powerful that it blurred the boy and the building in the background, and yet the pillar of infinite light is plain! It is the Christ star, called the revelation light of deity and destiny! Notice the flame is in the shadow next to wheel. It is impossible for any other kind of light to rest under side of car, except supernaturally! God matches His symbols, read (Ezek. 10:6-8) Notice the wings above in Cap. Also read (Rev. 10:1) His feet as pillars of fire. The Lord is coming right down close to His people now! Also the ancient flame of fire in the bush. Acts 7:30 — Also the light was with the first messenger and He will be with the last. (Acts. 22:6-9)
Lights over Capstone
“The Captain with His Host! — “Temple of destiny — “The awe and majesty of the most High”! Pictures were taken during the meeting and God’s chariots of fire accompanied this mighty move here! Also read II Kings 2:11. (Read Ezek. 10:1, 4, 5) — “‘Then the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house, and the house was filled with the cloud and the court was full of the brightness of the Lord’s glory — “And the sound of the cherubims, wings was heard even to the outer court and the voice of the Almighty God when He speaketh! (Verses 18-19) “Reveals the cherubims lifted up and mounted up from the earth in His sight. And the glory of the God of Israel was over them above!”
Lights moved over to the Cornerstone
“As the lights moved over to the Cornerstone they glowed downward!” (II Sam. 22:7-14) “and he did hear My voice out of his Temple, then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved! He bowed the heavens also and came down; And He rode upon a cherub, and did fly; and he was seen upon the wings of the wind! Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled. The Lord “thundered” from heaven, and the most High uttered His “voice!” — “In this hour I Jesus rejoice in spirit, for blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye shall see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.,, —— Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus, King forever and forever! (End of Scr. 62). — “Read Scr. 61, 64”. “And I will dwell in My holy mountain. And It shall come to pass that the mountain shall “drop down new wine” (Revelation) and the hills shall flow with milk (healing) and a fountain of knowledge shall come forth of the House of the Lord and shall water the valley! O elect your time is here, the sweet voice to thee is in the air, listen, O listen “prepare”. “Upon this rock” I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matt. 16:18) “Dan. 2:45”! The ancient God “Headstone” (Rev. 4:3)
White robed body and amber outline
“Notice you can see the white robed body and amber outline of the Lord Jesus shoulder and arm as He looks over the crowd toward Bro. Frisby in the pulpit, and Bro. Frisby is looking out of a halo circle at Christ, His face and eyes blazing like fire!” (Rev. 1:14, 15, 18) Amen!” Luke 9:29”.
Emerald of light
“You can see the angel in emerald glory light going over the people and resting over Bro. Frisby who is standing to the center in pulpit!” “This picture portrays and is like unto Rev. 4:3, And he that set was to look upon like a Jasper and a Sardine stone; and there was a rainbow around about the throne, insight like unto “emerald!” “The seats form a “rainbow color” in which the people are sitting in here!” “Also the Headstone behind the side and back of Temple would describe the rest of the Scripture; he that set was to look upon like unto a Sardine stone!”
The Face of God in golden twilight!
“The Face of God in golden twilight, the “Great Seal head” formed in Pyramid Temple, the long awaited Capstone and the Amen messenger!” “Behold I send the prophet before My face! — O thou brethren dwell in sweet unity!” 一 “Yea a three fold cord is not quickly broken! (Eccl. 4:12) (The stone which the builders refused is made the head Ps. 118:22 — Zech. 4:7 — Mark 12:10)
(Partner took picture of the beautiful fire of glory that is inserted.) And “Elijah said, and the God that answereth by fire, let Him be God! (I Kings 18:24) — Behold it is well spoken!” (also Read Ezek. 1:26-28) “The magnetic amber cloud of fire that led the children of Israel will now lead the bride joined to the Pyramid Temple! He is her head!” (Eph. 2:20-22 — Eph. 5:23)
The face of Jesus at top of temple
You can see the face of Jesus at top of Temple out of the cloud. “Notice the rejected look, His face reveals suffering and agony”! You can see a tear in His right eye! “He is the voice in Rev. 10” — Read Luke 19:41-42. The face of Jesus above — Isa. 53:2 gives a perfect description of Him. 4, He hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see Him there is no beauty that we should desire him.” He wanted the Jews to look upon Him as “a spiritual” and not “a physical” attraction! This is the way He appeared to them In the Holy Land! Also Isa. 52:14 says, many were astonied at Him. His visage was marred more than any man and His form more than the sons of men.” In other words His pre-looks were veiled! — “But when we see Him coming in glory He will be like Peter, James and John saw!” (Luke 9:28, 29) “They saw the skin veil lifted and His countenance (face) was altered, and His raiment was white and glistering!— Daniel and John saw another description of God’s face as the Almighty! (Rev. 4:3) And this one is like the corner Headstone.
Jesus is in the light of destiny
“Notice the gold amber coat Bro. Frisby was led to get before hand matches the picture of the pillar of fire which was taken later! And symbolizes being covered by the amber anointing! (Also Jesus is in the light of destiny near him! The picture is the light that appeared in the auditorium, His royal brightness, and also stays by Bro. Frisby while praying for the sick!) ‘This is the same light that came down and was made flesh in the form of Jesus in old times!”
Wings of the spirit and glory falling
“This picture is one which is almost indescribable, however you can see wings of the spirit to the far right and glory falling to the far left! (You can see the spirit parting like a golden mantle near the little veil where Bro. Frisby enters the platform! (All this means something in divine revelations!) — The Holy Spirit has many dimensions and 7 revelative spirits, light channels and colors like the rainbow!” (Rev. 4:3-5)——Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up, and the seraphims cried the whole earth is full of His glory! (Isa. 6:1-3) “You can see the Headstone face in the background. — Ezekiel describes the glory of the Lord in (Ezek. 1:27-28) – Note: The zero markings on the bottom are Kodak film numbers, this shows the authentic original state when the picture was taken!
Blessed is he that believeth in these picture scenes that the Lord hath given!
“At the near center of picture you can faintly see Bro. Frisby after wheel chair case was healed and came out of the prayer-line in the passage room to testify! Later in the night service two more wheel chairs were emptied!” (Matt. 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!” — II Cor. 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels!— (St. John 4:35 — “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest! — St. Matt: 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh!—— (Matt. 25:1-6, “And at midnight there was a cry made, behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him! — (Rev. 22:12, “Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be! Blessed is he that believeth in these picture scenes that the Lord hath given!) — “Behold saith the Lord read these Scriptures, (Eph. 5:27 — St. Matt. 13:44 — Matt. 13:45-49 — Luke 5:36-38 — Matt. 13:23) (Matt. 5:6, Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled!” — (Ps. 126:6, “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing His sheaves with Him! — Verse 5, they that sow in tears shall reap in joy!” 一 Luke 14:16, 17 — “Then said he unto him a certain man made a great supper, and bade many and sent his servant at supper time to them that were bidden, come, for all things are now ready! “Behold the bride will not make excuses as those did in verses 18-20, but she will taste the goodness of the Lord and believe! — (Yea read I Cor. 2:9-10.)
The Holy Spirit cloud like hands
“The Holy Spirit cloud like hands in the form of a Pyramid inside the Temple by the little veil room and platform! It is amber smoke, wool like resemblance of white shekinah and in the center like a revelative funnel! At the same time it unfolds revealing a turning in creative motion! (Rev. 1:14-15) Yea and My peace have I put in this Temple!”
Sign of authority
“To the left bottom you can see the light of destiny turning in a circular motion inside the Temple displaying His unlimited power that created the cosmic universe, revealing His majestic deity! An awesome display in whirlwind fashion, dynamic and most powerful sight!” (The picture was taken by a partner at 10 A. M. in the morning. He took another picture which reveals part of the smaller lights went back into the larger light!) The larger light is just above the seats by the little room passage. (No lights were on.) Read Acts 9:3-5 Col. 1:16-17 — Eph. 1:9-10, 23 — Principalities and powers — St. John 12:35 40 “Yet a little while is the light with you, while ye have the light, believe in it that ye may be the children of light!!”(Not only have we seen it bros, and sisters but you can feel it here. God reveals the last bride seal (His Thunders)! — Also read scr. 50 and scr. 48-49.
Golden wings of the Spirit
“No one can entirely explain all His attributes and wonders!,, This picture reveals people here are actually walking in the spirit! “Paul said, walk ye in the spirit! He also said now we see through a glass darkly but then we shall know His true revelations in fullness!” These events and scenes that we have been sending are the Word of God in picture form! Behold the sun messenger is in the Thunders gathering the harvest! (Rev. 10:4) (The picture looks like golden wings of the Spirit.) There also are guardian and messenger angels watching over the Temple!
Spiritual glows
Partner took picture after service. “This is a display of the Holy Spirit, principalities and powers of the Most High God! and is the absolute moving of His spirit! See the little “light pillars of glory” inside the dynamic Temple! Also like unto coals or tongues of fire seen in Ezek. 10 — “Behold saith the Lord this reveals angels are in your midst! (The last amber lights are near the stage) “Sweet circles of His presence were all over the people!” “Bro. Frisby told the people to watch and they could see things happening among them. The next night a partner took this picture.
Golden shekinah glory on the ground!
“So Ye may know the Lord reigneth in heaven and earth!,, The photo reveals golden shekinah glory on the ground, the harvest sign!” To the left you can see the “manifestation of transparent presence” on the tree! “This is where Bro. Frisby entered while building was in progress. You can see the aura of majestic glory rising off the ground!” “The Lord is centered here for a special preordained divine purpose, yet His spirit is working over the earth too! As we are entering the holy of holies it is a sign deity is walking personally on the ground! The King has blazed and set down!” — The earth will be filled with the knowledge of glory as the waters cover the sea! Hab. 2:14.
CAPSTONE temple symbolic of the throne over God’s head
“CAPSTONE Temple all lit up at night symbolic of the throne over God’s head! As you can see, His face is silhouetted along side the building!” (Turn picture side ways for full view of Cathedral.) (Ps. 104:31) “The glory of the Lord shall endure forever; the Lord shall rejoice in His work!” — (Ps. 105:39) “He spread a cloud for a covering; and fire to give light in the night!” — (Ps. 81:16) “And with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee”! — (Ps. 104:7) “At thy rebuke they fled, at the voice of thy thunder they hasted — (Ps. 103:21) “Bless ye the Lord all ye host, ye ministers of His, that do His pleasure.” — Bless the Lord, O My soul!
The “Pyramid Cap” makes wings above Him
Zech. 4:7-10 — Behold the Lord said O great mountain thou shall become a plain and He shall bring forth the Headstone thereof, “With shoutings, crying, grace, grace unto it! — As the flock of His people for they shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up as an ensign upon His land!” (Who has despised the day of small things, these be the eyes of God!) “The tip of His crowns can also be seen!,, (Rev. 19:12) – Notice the “Pyramid Cap” makes wings above Him like Isa. 6:1-4 — Rev. 4:8 — sun setting types the “pillar of fire” — “The Temple behind Him types His throne with chairs forming rainbow around it!” Rev. 3:21)
Jesus said he was coming in clouds of glory!
“To the right note wing of the Temple and wing of the Spirit with Headstone in the background!” Notice the unutterable glory just rolling on the ground and to the left side falling peacefully. Nothing in history has been seen on film like this, “His sign”! (II Cor. 4:6)——”For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ!” – (James 5:7) Be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord! Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter rain!” (See photos on previous pages concerning His wondrous spirit and acts.) – (St. Matt. 11:3) — “And he said unto him, art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? And Jesus answered and said unto them, the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them, and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me — He that hath ears to hear let him hear!”
Looking into the spiritual world of the Lord
(These Scriptures Include other pictures as well as this one) “Looking into the spiritual world of the Lord, like seeing a vision, unsurpassable glory rising and falling around the Temple honoring His people He loves, in revealing His beauty and presence! — Royal priesthood of Jesus appearing — God’s providence and mighty works!”—— (Ezek. 70:7, 4, 5) “Then the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house and the house was filled with the cloud and the court was full of the brightness of the Lord’s glory!” – (II Chron. 5:13-14) “For he is good, for his mercy endureth forever, then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord. The glory of the Lord filled the house of God!” (Ex. 33:9) ‘”And it came to pass as Moses entered into the Tabernacle the cloudy pillar descended and stood at the door, and the Lord talked with Moses! (Verse 14) And he said and my presence shall go with thee and I shall give thee rest!” — (Ex. 19:78) And Mount Sinai was altogether on smoke because the Lord descended upon it!——(Ex. 24:16) And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai!—— (Deut. 32:31) “For their rock is not as our rock, even our enemies themselves being judges. Amen!”
Special acts of the Holy Spirit
“These are special acts of the Holy Spirit and it is a serious thing to contribute them to any power but the Holy Spirit! “Behold have ye not read all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men neither in this world or neither in the world to come!” In other words do not contribute the acts of the Holy Spirit to evil or the wrong power!” (Matt. 12:31, 32)
Glory on the road and part of the bushes
“Notice the glory on the road and part of the bushes and then whirling in the heavens! This road turns in at Capstone, and it was right across from this spot that I stopped and ask God where the Temple should be built at that time and He directed me to the right place, further up the road! (but this picture was taken later during our meeting by a partner on his way to the Temple.) Also you can see the other part of the bushes is different color showing the natural and the spiritual world at the same time!
The Tabernacle of the Most High is upon earth
I Cor. 2:9 “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Verse 10 the spirit searcheth yea the deep things of God.” 一 Rom. 11:25 “Behold saith the Lord have ye not waited until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in!!” “Yea the Tabernacle of the Most High is upon earth with men, for it is built and established in the word that I gave the prophets and apostles! Yea and the Lord Jesus being the very chief corner stone of it!!” “This beautiful display of the Lord’s glory appeared over the Temple during the last meeting!”
The heavens open
“The heavens open, His messenger crieth and the King cometh!” 一 (Zech. 10:1) “Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain so the Lord shall make bright clouds!” Read (Joel 2:21-26) The pictures describe the former and latter rain in fullness to the Gentiles! “Behold saith the Lord Jesus read Job 28:7-8 (also verse 6 and 11) — (Read Hab. 3:1-4 – Hosea 10:12 —Hab. 2:14 — Job 29:23) – “We are living in two worlds, the natural and the supernatural separated by dimension” !
Infallible signs
Also below, the “Pillar of Fire” rested against the wall outside Bro. Frisby’s window where he writes at back entrance of the same house!” (Judges 6:21-22) – “Turn picture side ways and you can see the flame below the mountain Headstone face!” (Certainly Infallible signs are here!)
Jesus said unto the man by the pool, rise, take up thy bed, and walk!
“This picture reminds me in symbolism somewhat like the pool found in the Scriptures during the Lord’s ministry when Jesus said unto the man by the pool, rise, take up thy bed, and walk! And immediately the man was made whole!” (St. John 5:4-9) “It says in verse 4 that an angel was also associated to the pool! One can see the glory “healing presence” of the Holy Spirit overhead and to the right side of the pool as the waters are bubbling!n
Royal glory in thick essence of His omnipresence
‘The Holy spirit can be seen or revealed in different forms or colors, rainbow shekinah covered the throne! (Rev. 4:3) The Holy Spirit is 7 revelative dimensions” (verse 5) — “The spirit here is displaying His royal glory in thick essence of His omnipresence! Behold saith the Lord read (II Chron. 5:14) — “Yea do ye not remember Joseph was also covered with rainbow shekinah, his coat of many colors depicting the revelations of My spirit!” 一 (God’s transcendent celestial holiness has appeared!) Ex. 24:15-16 (Job. 27:11) (Ezek. 10:4, 18-19) – (This picture of the boy and the light witnesses the Lord Jesus is very near and possibly standing close by revealing His glowing presence!) “Remember the Apostle Paul said be careful, you may entertain angels unaware!” “Also Jesus loved children”! (St. Matt. 19:13-14)
The Flame appears where God’s at
“Amen! Just look at the pillar of fire resting over these children, Jesus love us!” (Partner took picture). “The Beautiful Regal Lights of the Lord Jesus!” (Ex. 13:21-22) (St. John 7:37-39) (Ex. 3:2-3) — The Flame appears where God’s at! (Acts 7:30) “New signs are appearing to people who are reading the scrolls and books!”
Sign of protection!
“Remember there was Light in the camp of the Israelite’s and there will be Light in the Bride camp! (Ex. 14:20) – Photo reveals sign of protection —”the appearance of two little pillars of fire in answer to prayer!” The woman who took this picture was on vacation and was feeling fear and was praying. She felt led to stop and take this picture of the lake; the lights appeared from the Lord comforting her! After seeing the balls of fire from Jesus, the fear left her!
The cloud of the Lord was upon the Tabernacle
“This picture shows the cloud like glory of the Lord absolutely falling out of heaven floating all over Capstone Temple! There is a spirit of heavenly importance here on the ground and not of men, but of a royal quality from the throne! The Holy Spirit fragrance abounds in the harvest field here!” 一 (Ex. 40:34, 38) “Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle! For the cloud of the Lord was upon the Tabernacle by day and fire was on it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel — “Yea and now My wonders are in the sight of the bride elect!” (As we can see through the Scriptures, the Lord veils Himself many times in smoke, fire and glory!)— These are infallible acts of the Holy Spirit and anyone or group who would go against these signs would have to be filled with legions of devils or classed as an unbeliever! Any normal or reasonable person can see these supernatural appearances are from the Lord of Host! The Lord Jesus Christ in the land of the Headstone and these revelations by order of the living God of all the earth! — “Behold saith the Lord read Rev. 3:11-13”.
Temple filled with the glory of the Lord
“You can see the front entrance of the Temple filled with the glory of the Lord like a smoke cloud rolling against it! And on the inside is also full of His valuable and dynamic presence and life dwelling shekinah! This is in comparison to what Isaiah saw!” 一 Isa. 6:3-4 “And one said unto another, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory! —And the post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke!” – (I Kings 8:10-11) “And when the priest was come out of the Holy place, the cloud filled the house of the Lord! — So that the priest could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord!” – Never in the 7 dispensations of time has these events occurred on film in such order as this, and definitely by divine appointment!

Photographs from the Neal Frisby ministry over the years
This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.
Disclaimer: The translation of this article about photographs was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.
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