Revelation numbers

The spiritual impact of this prophetic sermon book will inspire the reader to respond in a compelling motivation to endeavor to attain the goal of the over-comer, and lift one to the realms of faith never known before! A profound understanding of the significance of the times and seasons we now live in will be obtained. One will possess a far greater knowledge of the divine plans and purposes of God as supreme crisis of the age deepens. And doubt and confusion will be replaced by confidence. A sense of expectancy will take hold. Throughout the entire history of the world no work has been placed before the public which is as comprehensive revealing the fundamental truths of the Bible as this timely book on prophecy and its fulfillment! The foregoing writing can do no less than impel a full acceptance and its final climatic events!

God’s Eternal Word!
Our faith puts His promises in motion, they become active and alive within our anointed words! – For He says that if ye shall ask (command) anything in My name I will do it! – John 15:7
“As this age closes we are moving into a new dimension of faith, wherein nothing shall be impossible, growing into translative faith!”
- Rev. 10:2 – And he had a little book “Scrolls” in his hand. And when he had cried, Seven thunders uttered their voices!
- Rev. 10:3 – And He had in His right hand 7 Stars – The 7 Stars are 7 angelic messengers
- Rev. 1:20
- Rev. 1:16-19 He said write the things which thou has seen – Rev 10:1 Will a writer cap stone this church age?
Prophecy – Revelation numbers
How many of you feel the Lord here tonight? You feel Jesus? Oh! Let’s just lift up our hands and praise Him, just lift them up there and thank Him for all that He has done for you and what he’s going to do for you, and we believe that tonight Lord. Bless your people, every one of them together tonight!
And let them understand the word of the Lord, the revelation of the Lord and all of these things together that they can go home with a blessing even greater than if anybody touched them but you, and let the hand of the Lord touch the people tonight. Oh praise the Lord! Wonderful, Jesus is wonderful. Come on and praise Him. Oh blessed be the name of the Lord God. We thank you tonight Jesus. Can’t you feel Him? My, he was really here Sunday night. And He came in and He helped to get through that service. It was great wasn’t it? Praise ye the Lord! Many strange things I’ve seen from the Lord (go ahead and be seated) since I’ve been in the ministry. Praying for the sick, sometimes the audience doesn’t get to see all that, neither hear it, nor know anything about it. But the evidence is left behind. You not only can kind of know something is going on and feel it from a distance but, there is something left that is unforgettable when God does something and it’s just wonderful.
Now tonight I’m going to speak on a message here. I’ll be praying for the people again, but tonight I’ve got a special message. Something that I kind of was just I don’t know the Lord moved on me, and I begin to go and I thought it would be for later and I didn’t have too much time to do it and possibly that is one of the reasons that I may do something later that will tie into this. And so usually I get something when I’m writing, I write real small because I don’t know how long He is going to speak to me and I’ve only got one sheet of paper while He is writing and I want to get everything that He says and get it down there. And so some of this is small and I might have to take my time in here getting this out but I know it’s going to bless your heart.
I really believe that tonight, it’s just something that the Lord gave me and we’ll go through it. Now I got involved in this and I said “My, it would take a year to preach all that Lord”. I said “There is so much involved” but I’ll just barely go over the fine points that He gave me and much of it and what else I see and my opinion so forth by the Holy Spirit I will go through here.
Turn to the first chapter of the book of Revelation for a moment and I thought, there’s much more to this, it’s almost… it’s like infinite and I said the Palmoni would have to be with me all the time in order to guide this, but it’s just a little message here that I’m going to put my heart to and it kind of come on me all of a sudden and we’ll do it. Revelation numbers are supernatural they have a supernatural design and they are spiritual significance. How many of you know that?
Now this will only be brief, no way can I bring all the facts out here tonight. I can’t do it there’s too much involved in it, and I know those different chapters in the book of Revelation that I cannot get involved in, a lot of the mysteries that are involved in it because I wouldn’t be able to put this down but it would be a pattern like and no way can I get into the prophetic numbering.
When I went into the ministry and the Lord gave me certain things that I never tell anybody, He told me not to and it goes into something that I didn’t know myself at all. And anyway we won’t be able to go into the prophetic numbering side of it that leads into even events that will be tied worldwide and so forth in there coming and going but I will go through the numbering of this here tonight. Now in the first chapter you know the whole Bible in itself is kind of like the book of Genesis is kind of like the seed to the entire Bible springing forth even to the book of Revelation clear out to the animal science so forth like that. And so for Revelation numbers and they have design and there is so much involved in it and Daniel was caught up in in the book of Daniel has a lot to do with numbers in there as revelations came to him. But nevertheless, this is chapter 1, but “zero” when you have a circle, it is infinite and the zero circle is symbolic, as there is no beginning and there is no end, it is eternity.
Like Ezekiel’s wheel, when it was spinning he said “oh wheel that’s infinite”, see it speaks of God. And that’s the number zero and it goes back into that. There is no numbering to it, there is nothing to it, it’s a zero and it comes back at the end of the book of Revelation and goes right back out the same way and it’s God’s wheel of power.
Now the first chapter, is number one in the book of Revelation. You’ll notice this it says the revelation of Jesus Christ that is given there, the book of Revelation.
Now in the first chapter number one, divine order is what it means. There is no disturbance in the number one. That is why God is unity.
He is one God see? Now listen to this, He is not separate from himself. No matter what form He takes, He never separates Himself from what He is. In other words, He does not create another one that will have a different personality than what He’s got.
Number one there is no argument, there’s nothing to argue with. Although it’s not a sermon on God being one and eternal and so forth and three manifestations and seven Revelation spirit’s, my sermons not on that. But by taking the numbers, you go right into it and you come right out through it right there. And so we see the number one, there will be no confusion no disturbances with God there and so we see. Now in Revelation chapter 1 it reveals the Son and the Father as the Almighty as we have in verse 20, also number one means unity.
In His hands, in chapter number one, is the 7 stars, the 7 churches and He unified them and no man could take them out of his hand and they are in unity and all through the church ages they’ve been in unity at each age that he’s called them. He had to threaten them many times, some of them were separated out of there. But the 7 stars rested in his hand unified. That’s power, it’ll be at the end of the age too.
He’ll have them right in his hands just where He wants them there, so we find the unity that’s involved there. Some of this is a quote and other parts of it are mine in the number one. There can be no doubt as to the significance of this primary number. In all languages it is the symbol of unity as a cardinal number it denotes unity. As an ordinal it denotes supremacy.
More than paragraphs could be told right there, unity being indivisible. You cannot divide one and not made up of other numbers. It’s the only number that’s not made up of them, you have to go backwards into infinite, zero see when you get through with it, but you cannot, it is indivisible and not made up of other numbers, it is therefore independent of all others and is the source of all others. So with deity, the great first cause is independent of all. All stand in need of Him, all Angels, all men, all animals everything! All stand in the need of him and He needs no assistance from any. That’s sovereignty isn’t it? None, no assistance from none see if He didn’t want it. But He has us preach the gospel and so forth because He wants to, but when you draw him right down He needs nothing. He is the one there, now one excludes all difference.
There is no second with which it can either harmonize or conflict. It excludes there is nothing to argue with, there is no 2 there. Watch when we get to number 2 what happens there. It really sets up things, one includes all differences there is no second with which it can either harmonize or conflict and when it is written. “Hear Oh Israel, the Lord thy God is one Lord”. (Deut. 6:4) It does not deny the triune root which breaks out into the manifestation of God but all in the same root the triune not trinity, triune.
See that is the way it is in the Bible, it excludes absolutely another Lord. No, there is no other. It excludes therefore all idolatry! That you worship images and so forth that you’d fall down to and worship, it excludes that. Hence the first commandment declares “thou shall have no other gods”! Was what He said, just like that! Exodus 20 verse 3. It asserts there is in God a sufficiency which needs no other and an independence which admits no other. It marks the beginning and we must begin with Jesus, all our words and works must be characterized by the first word of the Bible. In the beginning God, that’s the way He came. Right out of that circle He stood right there in chapter one of Genesis.
Nothing is right, that does not begin with him. Nothing, see there it is right there. God is first! Is the voice of the scripture and here is what the voice of the scripture says “seek ye first the kingdom of God”. That is the first thing, He is number one. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). That is unity that is number 1. It is there and we have it in the Bible.
So at the end of the chapter, He tells his whole story here it’s finally unified in power standing there with the 7 stars in the church age and of course the Father and the Son together standing there in the flame of fire in his eye. Right there in Revelation 1:14 they are together and then chapter 2. Now I realized other numbers can be used in some of these chapters but these are the significance of the numbers here. And then we have chapter 2, in this chapter we read right away we are in trouble.
There is a threatening that went forth in chapter 2 here. And He said to them in chapter 2, He was getting on them right there. In Revelation 2:5 He said, “remember therefore whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and remove thy candlestick out of its place except thou repent”. Of course the candlestick is still there, it stayed there, and there are 7 of them there.
Now in this chapter 2 something begins to set up, Balaam appears, division right away from God, he takes the people into idolatry. He split’s the church and split’s them away.
We just started and here is Jezebel, another divider right there, now there are two and there is division, there was Cain and Abel, there is division there. One went one way and the other died and went on out, they were split up in there. Number 2, now just as number one in chapter 2 it takes in a lot of other things in the chapter but that’s the significance. We now come to the spiritual significance of number 2. We have seen that 1 excludes all differences and denotes that which is sovereign, but 2 affirms that there is a difference, there is another. While 1 affirms there is not another, see it won’t even divide you can’t even divide one. You can’t do anything about it, it goes back into a circle it is infinite. But 2 you can divide, you make 2 see you got it right there, division that comes in there so while 1 affirms that there is not another.
This difference may be for good or for evil, a thing may differ from evil and be good or it may differ from good and be evil. See no matter if it’s good or evil there’s division see? Hence the number 2 takes a twofold coloring according to the context. It is the first number by which we can divide another and therefore in all its uses we may trace the fundamental idea of division and difference begins to step in, there is why there’s not 3 different gods, there is one God.
There is no argument with him, 3 manifestations there is a root it breaks forth out in 3, going into 7 Revelations and so forth like that, that is 1 root see? Numbers prove God, it goes right on in to infinite. Einstein could not fathom numbers because he did not go into the spiritual type of it and get out of where he was at. That was as far as he could go there, and so 2 there is a difference there and then here we get to number 3 as we begin here.
If you turn we will get over in Revelation chapter 3, this chapter 3 sets up a little bit different from what we had there. Three denotes perfecting fullness, it stands for that which is solid, complete, and entire. It’s divine revelation revealed and sure enough in this chapter 3, there are different warnings and so forth, but it’s the patience of the saints, it’s the ones that have the word of God. It also talks about the Laodiceans but at the end those that obey God in divine order will sit down in the throne of the Lord Jesus.
His revelation in that chapter is revealed totally unto his children, the Philadelphia age which is translated and his divine orders revealed to the Laodiceans which will not get in there. And so that’s in that chapter right there and then chapter 4. We’ll step up the momentum, each one of those chapters you could preach an hour and 30 minutes and go into prophecy and prophetic utterances and things that will fall in different times and seasons and even years may come into it, be involved in it, but this is the way that He wants me to do it. Then we come here, we get to Revelation chapter 4, there is a door here, watch. In Revelation chapter 4 as we begin to read here, it’s associated to creation, now that’s strange we see the cherubim. One of the lists that I didn’t get to there was that some angels have six wings and many eyes, yet they are not hideous to God, they’re called beasts, but the King James used the word beast but it means power and that power is of God.
It’s things created by God and there’s cherubim’s and it shows the great Creator sitting there and it shows all thundering’s and lightings in the powers of creation and so forth, and there is kind of a clue in the verse that tells you that 4 is a number of world and creation. It is always connected to creative things even though it’s a world number 2 that the world was created by. So it’s creative we found out here, listen to this right here.
After showing some of his creation with Him and the heavens and so forth like that. A lot of people say angels? Six wings and so many eyes? (Rev. 4:8) That’s right, they’re revelators, and they go and come with God.
They’re manifestations of God and they escort the Lord, they’re with the Lord. Different things happen, Isaiah chapter 6 have the cherubim almost in the same kind of order that are there, we have it but right here at the end of Revelation chapter 4 showing that it is also connected to creation and so forth and here’s what it says in verse 11.
He gives a clue and every chapter gave a clue I don’t have time to go into all of them because were going clear through the book. Now “thou are worthy oh Lord to receive glory, honor and power, for thou has created all things, for they were, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11). There is creation number 4. Are you still with me?
And here we are in that familiar Revelation chapter number 5. It has to do with redemption. Five, it’s the number of grace. All in the Bible it was associated to redemption. Redeeming, faith and so forth like that. It’s number 5 and in this chapter we find out number 5 was the Lamb, and no one could open the book!
“And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.” (Rev 5:1-4)
The Lion of the tribe of Judah and finally the prophet wept. Without that there would be no redemption. But here He comes and it’s in the seals in chapter 5. The book of redemption and then He took it and He opened the book, and there in the book of redemption is in number 5 He will redeem His people. And He will bring them into order and all these things we are reading about, He will bring them and unify them. He will bring them into divine perfection, He will bring them into divine order, He will position them, they will be in His hand, and they will be unified! Watch and see, how many of you can see that? That’s right, it doesn’t take a scholar, and it doesn’t take an educated man. Even though this does sound on an order of numbers and so forth to understand this. It takes somebody that has faith and a little simplicity to open up their heart and watch the Holy Spirit reveal it!
He will do it for you, His mind is beyond any mind of a genius and design that we have on the earth. It is far advance ahead of any genius or computers or any kind of machine. And the mind of the Holy Spirit comes in you. You’ll receive this message and be a different person because, the mind of the Holy Spirit will have you open up to the great many secrets and the manifold wisdoms of God and knowledge of God. And so we see it’s redeemed and there is that book with the scrolls it was opened in there. And He opened up that book there and so we have redemption number 5.
All of a sudden it changes and we get into a number 6 here and throughout this whole chapter with those cherubim creatures that were there revealing the revelation of the anti-christ, chapter 6 is the number of man and it runs clear through here. It is the organization of man, it’s the politics of man, religion of man, false cults of man. It is demonic power that is associated with man and it runs clear out through the end of the chapter and you can really see it heavily in the sixes of his mark. And from Revelation 6:5 through 8 is what is upon the earth.
“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” (Rev. 6:5-8)I’m going to read this twice (another time when I get to Revelation chapter 13) and chapter 13 gives a number in there it’s more than just seeing a number, 666, it’s more than a number but according to the way the scriptures give it and I got to reading and I begin to pray on it, to calculate it, and not only that it acts like it’s working with computers too.
It’s more than just a number it’s computed, it’s calculated and one of the Greek words says calculate, and it runs into computation in there and so we have that and when you add, it is like electronics and computers, fire, a brand, a mark is left and we will get into that. 666 is therefore the trinity of human perfection. That’s what you see on that last pale horse, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” (Rev. 6:8)
He is a trinity of perfection on there. The perfection of imperfection is what we are seeing on the pale horse. On all the horses as they come, he has a bow (Rev. 6:2), it is empty, disarmed them all, false peace and then try to destroy everybody and then of course Armageddon erupts and his house falls too. So we see that triple six’s is therefore the trinity of human perfection. The perfection of imperfection, the culmination of human pride and independence of God and opposition to Christ and his blood.
As the 666 runs out in chapter 13 there, it is humanism, all that men can do without God, not giving the Lord credit for even their creation! It is an animal gospel! It is the beast gospel! It will come as soon as they can wipe out the gospel that we know of today and graduate it. They’ll graduate it on out, weaken it down then finally put your own approval on it there and so without God’s guidance it’s complete apostasy! It’s only good for dregs, it’s to be destroyed, it’s to be burned in the fire there so we see that number 6 even runs in the book of Revelation and even six here is complete apostasy.
Now separation is a term used for the elect, all through the Bible “be separate”, separate yourself, don’t go into the worldly conditions following the traditions of man, organizations of lukewarm-ness. And the word/term used for the bride and also for the elect of the Lord Jesus Christ, the body of Christ is to be ye separate, so the word is separate but not so in the anti-christ. Here’s what it has here “be ye separate”.
Now, union/reunion are terms that are used by the anti-christ and that union/reunion leads to a mark and that mark is a stigma, in the Greek it is a “S” where the 6 is supposed to be and in the roman numeral they only have six letters to the alphabet and they form the number 666 with them in there but in the Greek it is an “S” meaning stigma, a burn, a fire, something that can be on you like that, a brand it’s called. It means slaves or branded and sure enough in Revelation 13 when we get there it becomes a branding for slaves and they’re branded and that’s getting so close that you can feel the fire of the dragon coming upon the earth?
It will come during that time, so in the number of sixes, you run into imperfection, it therefore is the perfection of imperfection, the culmination of human pride and we’ll get into maybe a little bit more than that. You can read that in these chapters. Then number 7 it denotes a perfect number, a spiritual perfection and in the number 7 of the book of Revelation it shows great protection here, in chapter 7 the tribes are sealed as we look upon them there and it’s a perfect number. Spiritual perfection for two groups they are refined in the fire. 144,000 Jews/Hebrews are sealed and 2 prophets (Revelation 11) go to them in that chapter and the others and those who have come through the great tribulation and their blood, refined in the fire.
Yet the number 7 is completed and there is perfectionism upon those 2 groups into that chapter. And then we go over here to Revelation chapter 8, that chapter is there because God put it there.
But number 8, the other seal from six was separated by Revelation chapter 8 because this chapter will speak beforehand and afterwards. Now in Revelation 8, it is number 8, it is strange, a very strange number. It can be used in different ways, it’s in the silence at first there.
And it denotes right away a change, new beginnings to super abound. It’s like to multiply in judgement after something in silence has taken place.
It is real silent and all of a sudden it trumpets and judgement is multiplied. It also means a resurrection, it means a new thing to super abound. A new era, a new time, a change has come. Prophecy has broken, it’s in a different direction.
And so we have number 8 of chapter 8 of Revelation, how through the different chapters you can also use other prophetic numbers. But this will give us a balance and that’s a significant part there and so we see that as we associate it to the resurrection there. As all those numbers are, and so it begins to come. And note also it is in chapter 8 like he’s trying to tell us something.
But there is great overthrow from God. The whole Earth is changed in there somewhere and it’s completely out of order now compared to the way it was. In other words He will right it back and when He does every island will be moved out of his place.
“And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nation’s fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.” (Rev. 16:19 & 20.)
The whole axis of the earth will be changed and at first it will just be catastrophic and many people, every building, every city, every hill, everything will be brought low in there. Ready for the millennium there that’ll be right at the end of the great battle of Armageddon and the plagues poured out, as we see there, and we go into Revelation chapter 9.
Listen to this right here, now 9 is always associated to judgement and besides judgement, remember Abraham was 99 when Sodom was destroyed. Associated to judgement (severe judgement) it’s a conclusion of a matter, it’s a finality of judgement many times when God brings it. And as we say we have it in Revelation chapter 9 and we see that it’s a finished cycle sometimes, many times in judgement the 9’s are a finished cycle there. And then we leave that and we go into Revelation chapter 10. Now 10, number 10, is a one and a zero, see it’s just the reverse of chapter Revelation 1 where there is zero and we start with a one, now we are to a ten, a one and a zero.
Number 10 is a perfection of a divine order and these are things that I wrote down as they come to me and the whole cycle is complete of one cycle there. And it can, it can start all over again after this because it is the ending of one thing is an ordinal number. Now the book of Revelation is doubled, then after that, in Revelation chapter 11, we go back over some of the same things that we went over in the first chapter. Except, from that point on, there are some more things added before we get through with the chapter, it’s a double witness from the Holy Spirit.
The book of Revelation has 2 witnesses to it. We know that one confirms the other and one confirms the other with new things added. Like when Joseph stood before Pharaoh, and the dream was doubled twice, it was a double witness. Daniel had double witness, see there it is, it’s right there. And so we see with Revelation chapter 10 that’s the concluding of one thing and they’re getting ready in Revelation chapter 11 to start in another thing as we begin there. And so we see the book of Revelation has a double witness with events added to it.
Revelation chapter 11 now starts out here. We go back through some of the things we’ve seen in Revelation 6, 9 and 8 and so forth, and we come back through and we are in chapter 11. And it starts all over again, there is disorder right away. See there is confusion, disintegration, disunity starts. Number 11 are those things and that fit’s. You know when they only had 11 disciples they were scattered. It was disunity and they almost disintegrated there, and it’s associated. That chapter starts off, and when it does it just goes into complete overthrow as you go down through, disunity begins, the 2 witnesses are fought, and finally they are killed (Rev. 11:7), the anti-christ is battling it out and so that chapter there shows the disintegration, the disunity, the disorder of all these things, that’s chapter 11.
And then in Revelation chapter 12, 12 is a number of ruler ship, 12 disciples, 12 of the tribes. It denotes a perfect government, 12 and its ruler ship, then we see in Revelation 12 the sun-clothed woman, Ruler in the heavens. She gives birth to a child that will be a Ruler. The rod of iron we have and then that same chapter we have another Ruler. He is a dragon it says, “the beast!” that’s after the woman’s seed.
The others have been taken up, the others left as we have 2 rulers there, one the sun-clothed woman and the man-child that is taken up. And then ruler ship seems to fall in the place of the dragon, the red dragon. “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads,” (Rev. 12:3).
So the rulers are there, and it is a governmental system, and that’s chapter 12 of Revelation there.
So in Revelation chapter 11 there was a stopping point right after ten. We start with 11 and go right straight back through. Now we have here Revelation chapter 13, that is a chapter that I don’t want to be associated with or involved with at all, we want to be sure we don’t make it into that chapter.
There are some saints that are left upon the earth that have to give the word of their testimony and they give of their blood. Others scatter into the wilderness and are protected by angels but many died and give of their blood. The guillotines are probably restored according to Revelation 20 verse 4, “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
Different chapters in the Bible and Europe and different places and they just chop it. That’s the way it’s going to go and you say “oh my we’ve got such a world and men are saying everything is going to be better and that we evolved into something greater and better all the time”. All they do is get smarter in the ways to do more evil and to destroy themselves.
And they glamourize it all up and make things shiny, speedy, and so forth like that and ultra-modern things that they have circling all around you. And they don’t know from one moment or the next if one is going to blow the other one up. That’s not very good sense. You’re evolving into terror, world suicide is the name for it and that’s the way they are going. While at first, peace will be scattered out in front of them. Oh my, we got peace, see how smart we are! Everybody else is wrong but the Bible, the Bible said though after about three and a half years peace drops and it split’s.
The greatest war of all time takes place (the battle of Armageddon) over there, what they thought was peace was just a little time for the enemy to get in there and really get ready to blow one another up. And that takes place, so we are in rebellion. The number 13 means rebellion and when we started this country we had 13 stars put in the flag for the first time. That means that one day or another it will go in the state of apostasy. He will finally finish up his course in utter rebellion against God but there will be real good people here for a long time and even during that time fleeing in the wilderness, because it started that way. Now it wound up with more stars there, but 13 is rebellion, its dictatorship, its tyrant, it’s cruel. And it’s there and a while ago I read it again. In this chapter it’s more than just a number, it’s a calculation. It’s a computer type number, electric fire is involved.
The whole thing is electronics, it’s a brand by fire. Something takes place you may not even be able to see it but under computer lights and so forth it’ll be seen upon that person (mark of the Beast).
They’re are going to wipe this currency out one of these days and they’re going to have your credit right here. Shortages, world supplies are shortening, everything takes place upon the earth, rationing and so forth. And therefore they’ll know what each one gets here and there and are allotted to. And that’s coming, and so you want to get that article, there is various marriage of different prophecies, different revelations in it. It’s in scroll 85 and that mark in Revelation chapter 13 is actually your money printed in skin or the credit you have. It’s right there and it’s the credit/debit card in the flesh.
You have to read it to get it, I also used the dollar bill to show you that one day it’s going to be gone, (Scroll 85) “The economic woes I predicted have already taken some of their toll, but out of all of this will come forth a new system of credit and business, and then later it will eventually lead to a new computerized money system that will work its way into the mark of the beast! (Rev. 13:15-18) All transactions will evidently be by electronics! (Verse 13) A super dictator will rise out of the revised Roman Empire! The United States will merge into this system!”
So we want you to look at that right there, and then we have rebellion, dictatorship. So we have the number 666, therefore in chapter 13 it gives the triple 6’s. It is therefore the trinity of human perfection, the perfection of imperfection, the culmination of human pride in independence of God.
They don’t need God, an opposition to Christ the Lord Jesus, it’s humanism without God’s guidance, complete apostasy! And in that chapter, the great union come out of a great confederation, and we see that the saints that were left had to flee for their lives. Does that sound like the Lord Jesus Christ? That’s what happens in that chapter.
Translation has taken place already (before this occurred), because the beast is crowned. He wasn’t crowned in those other chapters. Now he is standing up and his ten kings are crowned. There are 9 there, they’re waiting for the 10th one. They say it’ll be Greece, they’ll crown him and there will be 10, then they’re waiting for the “confederate” the anti-christ. He is coming, and the other night (I’m going to bring this in) when I was talking about the papacy and I was talking about Rome and I said that what I meant was this. He could come in that direction but the anti-christ (the religious leader) will take over all Babylon, all Babylon religions, which is not only Rome and is not only Catholics without salvation but also the Protestant without salvation, it will take all cults and religion of all kinds. What I was trying to say and tell you is this, a Roman prince will come and he may even have Jewish blood, but he doesn’t necessarily have to, but he’ll deceive the world and when I said about the papacy I said the office of that will be wiped away, it won’t be there like that before this man, he’ll be his own, he’ll be God, he will tell
them he is God! It won’t come under that order yet but he may be in that very seat, but it’ll be something different. How many of you follow the trend, “the change will come”? Because he will not be equal to or vicar, he says I am! How many of you are still with me now?
That’s the way it’s going to go and he’ll have you all numbered. See numbers tonight lead into numbers there but however it comes. Make no difference about it all of those false religions, those religions that I named, to many of those he says “come out of her my people”. Many people of these different systems will come out into the body Lord Jesus Christ and salvation of the blood of the Lord Jesus. There is no other way to look at it, it is God’s way of looking at it, I have found no other way to look at it, and therefore he will control all religions and governments together. That’ll be numbered in Revelation 13 and that’s what comes out when he’s crowned there.
You see the bride is gone, even though it says the saints are slaughtered over in there, that is your foolish virgins in there, we read in Revelation 7:14 about that. But the crown is put on, it wasn’t over there in chapter 12 there weren’t any crowns on him at all. He just had his horns, but over here in chapter 13 he is crowned, and in Revelation 17 it doesn’t show any crowns on him. But over here he is crowned in chapter 13 that’s when he gives the mark. So the bride is gone, the mark is given, they’re fleeing for their life and so there is your numbers bringing all those things out.
The numbers brought out that God will not argue with anything. He is one, he cannot be divided, and there is no argument there. But here we come out 666 trinity see 3’s. His kingdom falls apart he can’t even get along. Finally the iron & clay, in Daniel chapter 2, breaks apart. When they do, Revelation 16 takes place in Armageddon, it is that simple in those chapters there. And so we have it, rebellion will come worldwide. A man of sin as he rides through disorder, chaos, lawlessness and he rises to power and he has control of the food and the perfection of money power which is gold. If they use it they’ll store it away and issue the mark, or whatever is going to be used, because that’s the perfection of money power according to numerology or it wouldn’t call it that way, the prophetic numbering of the Bible will lead us to know that the cause of what Solomon said concerning the 666 talents, so forth, the gold talents in the Bible, “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold.” (I Kings 10:14)
I don’t have time to get into it, but that is money perfection associated to it. Therefore there will be something involved in it at the end of the world no doubt, there will be an involvement.
Revelation chapter 14, we are leaving 13 now and that is another dimension and shows us what we were seeing taking place gradually in chapter 6 of Revelation. It took place there, and chapter 11 that has taken place there from the bottomless pit and then we come into Revelation chapter 14, two times seven see? It’s double spiritual, it’s double perfecting of spiritual things right there, it is 144,000 and there is a thunder on it, and right there is a special group.
They stand alone, they stand aside then number one and four of creation, and number 1 is there with them. Then on down there it does show the great tribulation going on. But that’s perfection that God would have for that group. Also it’s going to show perfection during that tribulation as He brings them through there, so we have, “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder; and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps.” (Rev. 14:1 & 2)
The 144,000 group that are there by themselves and we see them standing out alone there. Then Revelation chapter 15, and 15 in the Bible as we see is associated with Noah’s ark. It was associated to the ark, it was a saving of souls, salvation and redemption because 5 is there again with the number 1. And it’s associated to the temple, it is 15.
So the ark and the temple, even in here we see at Revelation 15 verse 8, it says here, wrath is going to be poured out, judgment is going to come, and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power. “And no man was able to enter into the temple until the 7 plagues of the 7 angels were fulfilled” (Rev. 15:8). So we see, you take chapter 15 and when you add the numbers that are there, 9+6 is 15. They rejected redemption and the whole temple and the ark of God and everything God tried to give them.
They rejected it and so we see in Revelation 15 they’re setting up and getting ready for judgement from God because Revelation chapter 16 speaks of judgement and 9+7 is 16 it’s a fulfillment of the beast kingdom on judgement and Revelation 16 wraps it up on Armageddon, and we see the fulfillment of that upon them and number 6 of man and so forth. Then as we come on down through there we get to number 17. Now that’s divine protection, when you choose properly upon God’s people, number 17. But also it shows that God allowed the number 17, the wealthy woman, and the lady of the churches riding upon the beast has been under some kind of protection under the beast’s power ever since all of them begin. Since the beginning of time there were 7 ruling kingdoms upon the earth.
Now it’s in the final one and even the 7 is the 8th, Revelation chapter 13, verse 3, “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”- Revelation chapter 17, verses 10 & 11, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”
And so forth and the woman rises, as if she was under some type of protection that God allowed her to last that long from practically the Garden of Eden clear over to Armageddon. So it is some kind of divine protection there that has kept that woman but now we see that she is going to be judged by fire in Revelation chapter 17 and chapter 18. So God allows destruction, He only protects her long enough to bring destruction and therefore we get the numbers 9+8. You see the number 9 is judgment, plus eight is seventeen, so there’s judgement intermingled with the divine protection.
Many times in the Bible God would have divine protection upon Israel! But all of a sudden because of idolatry which is in this chapter and different things we have found. Even then God’s hand would turn from the divine protection that would turn into judgement all of a sudden. So with these numbers we see where we are, is the only way that these chapters can be done because there are other things happening in the chapter, but it gives you a little point of putting things together.
Revelation Chapter 18, that chapter is 2 times 9, it makes 18 but 18 is also resurrection and new things. Now the final chapter of Babylon is completely annihilated nearly in 1 hour, 1 day she is destroyed in famine, plagues, fire, atomic and everything you can see in this chapter.
Great Babylon commercialists went down, religious Babylon has been destroyed and now the hand of God turns to 18 and “Babylon the Great” is destroyed. See we’re getting at the end of the world, we’re getting at time where everything is going to run out here. And Revelation chapter 18 shows that double fulfillment two 9’s equal 18 and it doubles unto her, “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double.” (Rev. 18:5 & 6), it says in the Bible and double unto them in the judgement and so it’s doubled, two times 9, and that’s the very words in Revelation 18 that are used. The doubling, so in that chapter we see great destruction there.
In Revelation chapter 19 the judgment continues but, it’s a closing of a cycle and we see Jesus coming and when He is coming we read a few things to give us the clue. And as He begins to come in Revelation chapter 19, we begin to read what it says here. He’s a King of Kings, He’s the Lord of Lords and then finally He comes with fire in his eyes and he was on a white horse. He was true, He was called faithful, and He comes to judge and to make war. His eyes were a flame of fire and it’s written upon Him and Himself.
“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.” (Rev. 19:11 & 12)
He had a sharp two-edge sword in His mouth (verse 15). He means business and He’s the fiercest, and the wrath of God almighty is with Him there. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords in big letters here and we come on down through there and the culmination of Revelation 19, and the culmination of that is judgement. It says in Revelation 19 verse 20, “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast…”, he used science “miracles”, false miracles, miracles like Moses faced from magic sorcery.
Anything that you want, weapons and so forth, all kinds of magic, science opened together that deceived all of the people and I think black magic, witchcraft, sorcery, the type that Moses went up against, will also be run at the end of the age and they all go up and are deceived into Armageddon and you read in Revelation 16:16, in that chapter there if you want to read it, and so he has them deceived through these miracles, that received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive, they were alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and there’s the 19, the culmination of a cycle and he ends it right there.
Babylon is destroyed and He takes care of the beast and the false prophet and the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. That sword out of His mouth will be similar to a laser light and it will come out of there in fire and He has destruction with it. Even His eyes can destroy; “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.” (Rev. 19:12)
I preached one time, even out of His eyes whole cities can be destroyed there. Now that’s power, the same thing it’s created it has changed negative and then it’s gone. Those same eyes that looked upon us, created us, same that made the earth. The same type of eyes that made all the things in the world: the stars, cosmos, everything that is working in the heavens the sun and the moon. Things that we don’t even know about and our minds can’t comprehend. Billions of other things that he has made in the universe. Which man don’t know anything about, all those eyes that made all those things are now turned negative and destruction is in them, it just wipes things out like that.
All the cities and the nations fell. Revelation 16:19 & 20, you can read it there, and great earthquakes they’ve never seen in the history of the world. But it culminates in Revelation chapter 19:2 that we have in there. “For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.” (Rev. 19.2)
It’s just judgement continues see, it’s 9 plus 10. It equals finality, its ordinal, it’s coming to a conclusion there and it culminates the cycle. As we have it in there and so that there brings it right to an end and yet we go to Revelation chapter 20 now. It is a chapter of trouble, 20 is always connected to a kind of trouble as they get into it there.
You know they always say when your 21 you’re kind of grown up because you still get in trouble when 18, 19. You’re unsettled and all of that, Oh, you can’t wait. You just can’t wait to be 21. Now I think it’s 18 they can’t wait to be and when they got a severe war and they got to go to war and fight maybe they won’t want to be 18. I don’t know, but the thing is this, they can’t wait see? Oh, you don’t know how much trouble that you’re waiting for. He can bring these numbers can’t he!? See there it is, so we have it 21. That’s there but we are in number 20 and it’s next to 21 and you see it is trouble. You are still in the confusion, and you’re waiting, so as we see all we could find is in there. That it’s a waiting period, it’s expecting and you know in Revelation chapter 20 they’re waiting for the dead to be raised and they’re waiting before the white throne judgement? There He sit’s, just as white as he can be no color around there at all, no rainbow like it is in Revelation chapter 4 and all of them standing for judgement frozen just have to come by, every knee will bow and confess, there He is.
They have been waiting for thousands of years and Revelation chapter 20 and the white throne the books are open too. And a whole conclusion of the matter of the judgement is done in Revelation chapter 20 there.
And so we see it’s a waiting period. It’s a period of what they’re expecting. And there it is some expecting the great things of God and others expecting what’s coming to them and the rewards. So Revelation chapter 20, its trouble, its waiting period and that speaks of itself and that whole chapter is of the judgment and you can see for yourself. And then we have Revelation chapter 21, as we go into it in the Bible we’ll just turn to chapter 21 here. Now we have Revelation chapter 21 and that’s 3 times 7. God reveals divine completeness, it shows in that chapter as we read it; “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Rev. 21:1)
A thousand year millennium is over with, that’s in Revelation chapter 20 and also in Isaiah you can read it.
(Rev. 21:1 & 2) “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” – verse 2 “And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”
A new heaven, a new earth 3 times 7, 21 reveals divine completeness same as number 3 was divine order and perfection. Number 7 runs almost the same but it’s not. It is fulfillment, it is perfection spiritually and it’s used more in the Bible than any other number and it is there so we have that there and so we have a new heavens and a new earth there. And then all of a sudden he decided to put Revelation chapter 22 in here. Now, you would have thought it would’ve been perfect to stop. Did man lose a chapter? Or did they add one too many? What happened here? See but all of a sudden, the 21 didn’t stop. That would be a stopping number, 22 it’s just all of a sudden He adds another chapter there, he’s going to say something in chapter 22. See there is no ending that you have in 22 it is not an ending number. It is just 22, 2 times 11 disintegration and so forth. Why would it be there?
Revelation chapter 22 explains a lot of things, He has to go back and forewarn them not to move things that he said in that book. “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part, out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. 22:19)
That is a chapter warning about the other chapters, but nevertheless he has 22 on there. We have it on here and you know why? That’s not an ending number. Because the Lord told me that is not the end. We go into eternity back into the circle.
The next number is God’s number, which is a spiritual number, which is a circle, which is infinite! And we are back in the circle of God. So the next chapter will be the bride who will be back with the Lord. He will be eternal, he will be eternity sayeth the Lord, 22 is no ending, had it been an ending. “I am Alpha and Omega”, the beginning and the ending, with Me there is no end. There it is right there, so we have 22 all the way down to the end of Revelation chapter 22.
As I looked across here I had a circle drawn from a star, which doesn’t end it goes back into the star and it says infinite no beginning or ending for the elect bride with Jesus It says here, eternal life. There is numbers going on to a certain point, but here we come into a type of spiritual infinity with the Lord Jesus. So the next chapter is the bride, and his people that are with the Lord the rest have already been taken care of. And so we see the 23 of the number of where it would be. Whatever that is, it’s with the Lord, and it’s a circle. So we are back to circle one in infinite. There it is, there’d be no argument there everything is complete.
The circle is complete. Isn’t that wonderful there to see those things that were gone? And each one of those numbers, you can talk as long as I’ve talked during this whole sermon on one number and as I was doing this so many things would break forth from the Lord and I thought “my you’d have to have the Palmoni.” That’s the wonderful number of the Angel or like Michael that deals with numbers and so forth. Gabriel the time angel and intervention and he comes and goes in there and seeing these things in the Bible. They were all mathematical in design. They’re set up in supernatural order and spiritual perfection. In order to really describe it and bring it out it would take days and days to go through here, but what I did is just kind of put a summary in here that may help preachers all over the country and help the people here in order to lead them in the numbering and what different numbers mean if they’ll read it real close.
It explains all about the Lord and it explains all about his power, all about the creation and all about it if you get into the prophecy. It really gets into something prophetic and when it does the numbers of Revelation begin to show us how the prophetic numbers are, and this has nothing to do with what they would call Numerology.
You can use that word even here but not the kind that goes into witchcraft or that other kind, that’s wrong! Only the true numbers belong unto the Lord and He uses those numbers in the Bible, 144,000; “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev 14:1) He uses different numbers to number different people in the Bible and so forth. The Bride and different things that He has in there and so we see it as we come through there.
So there we have 22. See the cycle is complete, we go into eternity with the Lord Jesus and there is only one other place in the Bible. It’s in Isaiah, that when we are talking about strange facts in the Bible, eternal is mentioned, forever is mentioned and everlasting is mentioned and hereafter you know. Also, forever more and forever, but only one place in the Bible, and it in Isaiah, that eternity is mentioned.
“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabited eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” (Isaiah 57:15)
He chooses that word alone because He’s the only one that has really been in eternity when there was nothing but Him.
And so the rest of the Bible, except for that one place, and it is a lofty one, yet it brought down who He appears to, out of eternity, the humble, the contrite and so forth that understanding that we got there and so we see that even eternal in the Bible would be good enough but eternity is only once. So there at the end of the book of Revelation there is only one place to go and that’s the wheel in the book of Ezekiel (Old Testament) and that’s into the infinite and that chapter it’s not finished there in chapter 22.
Now, we go with him into another chapter, and that one doesn’t stop sayeth the Lord. That one doesn’t stop, isn’t that wonderful! The chapter of the Lord, it is the eternal chapter sayest the Lord and fully all of my word and all of my expression and all of my power that I’ve chosen to give my people. Eyes have not seen, nor heard it in the heart of man!
“Oh these things I have prepared for him but by faith and the love of My word and also as receiving Me as thy Savior! These things are for you, amen and they are well prepared sayeth the Lord”.
My, is that wonderful there!? I don’t ever think of what I’m going to say when it comes to events like that, it either comes or it doesn’t come, and so there we are.
How beautiful numbers are in the Bible. Did you know it was so interesting in there? We went from chapter 1 to chapter 22 of the book of Revelation and only God can cut that and put it in significance and bring that out to make sense. To me it made a whole lot of sense because I feel it all in me. I can just feel the bubbling of the Holy Spirit. You can feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And no wonder He was getting ready to sound here. He comes down like a whirl and when He does it pops and you can feel it in your ears. You know where He is moving, it’s right there and it’s a feeling and it’s a power behind it there. He is ready to sound in here and I really believe this.
He has every one of us numbered, there is not one of us that can escape His eye. He knows all about us, He won’t leave one behind that is supposed to go with him to heaven. Everything is numbered, even the hairs on our head are numbered the Bible says. How many of you are still with me now? Everything is in His books and there in that chapter the books were open as we go in to Revelation chapter 20 and then 21 and onto 22. The next one is the chapter that belongs to God and His people in eternity. How wonderful it is that chapter is not for the angels or anything exactly. It’s for God’s people, meaning that is not the ending. It is only the beginning when we get into God’s great wheel, which is infinite. Isn’t that wonderful? All that is it, you can take it or you can leave it.
This is something that just comes on me in a matter of hours that I’d studied numbers before and it came here.
And I pray this way Lord, put a number upon them as remembering the words and the numbers and what I mean in this and the significations Lord, and let a prophetic power and the anointing with them that they’ll have understanding and wisdom and all things of You Lord. Touching their bodies and giving them a new found Revelation and new wisdom and knowledge within them by the Holy Spirit! So bless this message Lord and to all of those people, bless their hearts too, that they may understand the great mysteries of the book of Revelation, which we did not have time to touch on all of them.
But to explain it this way, I’ve never heard it explained like this exactly Lord and so we leave it with You now, anoint it and bless the people, and Lord bless their hearts.
Can you see and feel the Power and Glory of God!? Hallelujah, come now and rise up! No wonder He wanted me to praise the Lord so much tonight! He is almighty God, hallelujah! Say praise the Lord over and over! He’s said we are created to praise Him for his pleasure! Glory to God! Hallelujah, for the pleasure of the Lord. You want me to read that in the chapter of creation? It said in that chapter of creation. That we were and are created for the pleasure of the Lord and may praise and honor be unto Him. It is marvelous how great God is.
This is the end of the sermon.
The Rising of the Beast Power!
“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns” (Rev 12:3)
“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.” (Rev. 17:12)
Scroll number 68
Scroll number 68
Numbers, patterns and symbols are very important. – I did some research on them but most all including the revelation part came strictly from the spirit.
The number “ONE” is the whole source like God is the whole source, it is the symbol of unity. — Infinite like God no number comes before it except 0, and a circle speaks of infinite no beginning nor end! Denote (Gen. 1:1) in the beginning. Rev. 1:11, 17 first and last, source of all! The Lord’s “spiritual rays” work in three patterns revealing 7 spiritual expressions. (Rev. 4:5) Although there are three offices the spirit works in, nevertheless it all returns back to the One God! (Isa. 43:3, 10, 11) — ‘Thus saith the living God!” One is the symbol of the creator. “Jesus said, hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord!” (Mark 12:29)
Next is “TWO” , it implies differences and separation. (Gen. 1:6 reveals interruption or division! God said, let there be a firmament and let it divide the waters above and the waters from under. (Read verse 7) — There are two classes of people, sinners below and saints above! (Deut. 17:6) — Two places, heaven and hell — “While two can show the good it can also show the evil — “division!” At the white throne there will be a dividing Two is the first number that can be divided — One person can’t multiply, it takes two persons or seeds. “Eve was divided from Adam’s side making two!” But God being one cannot multiply Himself into different Gods! But He works in three spiritual attributes, and He can impart His spirit and man was able to multiply in His image! He imparts His spirit as in the Son and also the Holy Spirit! — Gen. 1:21 reveals each thing or seed brings forth its own kind! God’s seed brings forth its own kind (good!)
“THREE” — three divine perfection — three signifies entire, complete” word revealed” — There were at one time three lights which appeared over the Capstone here! Three the number of deity, divine perfection! There are three parts to time, past, present and future! And “all three” revolve back into God’s time “of One” eternal time, no end! Like time (triune) Father, Son, Holy Spirit, gathers all back into one source! The supreme revelation — “beside Me there is no Savior”! (Isa. 43:11 — Rev. 1:11) — and His name “One” Zech. 14:9 — the 3rd night of the first meeting God opened or revealed His spiritual veil before the people and spoke directly! There are three parts to the mountain face here coming together united, but makes only “One” deity head “Stone”! — There were three on crosses (at the crucifixion) “the Word was revealed in Jesus!”)
“FOUR” — Number of world, a materialistic number, but it is also a number used by God. Four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) the last three of them have four letters to their name! They are like unto the four gospel beast of Rev. 4:7 — There are four cherubim’s who sang of creation (Rev. 4:6-11) — Four creative creatures came out of fire! (Ezek. 10:14) — Verse 8, and the four beast sang holy, holy, holy which has “four” letters to it! There are four seasons and four directions (north, south, east and west) In the Bible there are four corners of the earth and there are four winds. Rev. 7:1 — Paul had four letters to his name (the messenger) — John the writer who wrote Revelations and sealed up the 7 thunders messages had four letters to his name. My name Neal has four letters (revelator writer.) Four is associated to creative things! Four is also a number of world completeness! Daniel saw four kingdoms rise. The river out of Eden parted into 4 heads into earth. (Gen. 2:10) and (Dan. 2:40). There were four together at the transfiguration. (Luke 9:28-29)
“FIVE” is the number of redemption, Salvation. Jesus has five letters to His name! David picked up five stones, the one stone that killed the giant was a type of Christ the Headstone! 1 Sam. 17:40. And David was whirling it in his sling going around “like a wheel” (the stone of fire!) David also had his staff, stones, shepherds bag, a script and his sling. The holy oil was in five parts. (Ex. 30:24) There were four kingdoms to rise upon the earth the fifth redeeming kingdom is of God! (Dan. 2:40-44)
“SIX” represents the number of man. He was created on the sixth day! He was ordered to work six days and rest one! God created the beast serpent on the sixth day! (Gen. 1:30, 31) The anti-christ will express himself subtly in intense form in the number 666. Although an insignia or mark may be seen also! Sixes are associated to evil, let me warn not everything associated to six is evil, to do this would be an injustice to God’s word! “God can and does use the No. six as we will presently see!”
“SEVEN” is the number of perfection and fulfillment. Seven fold appears 7 times in the Bible. (Rev. 4:5) mentions 7 fold work of the spirit! There are 7 church ages, there are 7 stars, 7 golden candlesticks, 7 seals, 7 trumpets (7 thunders and 7 lamps of fire before the throne which will sweep down and take the bride away!) There are 7 angels completing the church ages, but the head one “the mighty rainbow cap angel” stands alone out shinning them all in the sun messenger Chapter 10) 7 church age show completeness of man’s systems, the tares culminating into Babylon! We see Christ standing outside the seven church age completion! Then it starts back to the number one, the Bride outside with Him, the eternal “One.” Finally the 7 spirits gather back into the one spirit of the Almighty! For it was these 7 spirits that reveal His plan of the ages! You can’t always go by 7 denoting a true prophet, for they don’t always have 7 letters to their name. Lucifer had 7 letters to his name, “he imitates” Christ! And “Christ” has six letters in it — Jesus has 5 letters — and Satan has 5 letters— (Although 666 is the devil’s number to counterfeit God, in this case it is the number revealing Lucifer incarnate in a man!) Now God has 4 beasts with 6 wings about them before the throne! (Rev. 4:8)
(No. 7 cont.) – In God’s Bible there are “66 books” and in Isaiah there are “66 chapters!” So we see sometimes 6 works in different ways! The number seven closes out the 7 church ages then the Bride is number “one” with Jesus, hidden perfection (here is wisdom) — Lord (4) — Jesus (5) Christ (6) letters, add them all up (15 letters) then add the one to 5 and you get 6 again! And we know God will receive a new name (Rev. 3:12) and so will we! — Neal (4) — Vince (5) — Frisby (6) and you have the same as above! This is for prophetic number comparison and not to be taken in any other manner — Also Frisby can be spelled with 7 letters by adding (bie or bee) but in His wisdom He shortened it to 6 letters. I always felt it was a sign that man would try to deny or take away from my original calling or position. — “Many Bible prophets and writers have 4 and 6 letters to their names (Paul, John, etc.), Elijah and Elisha, Samuel, Haggai, Isaiah, Daniel and many others have six letters to their name!” So remember God does not always use 7 letters in association to prophet ministries!
“EIGHT” represents and is definitely associated to new things. “Eight is the number of resurrection” — the transfiguration of Jesus took place 8 days after! (Luke 9:28) (Rev. 8:1 “silence” denotes raising and rapturing of the saints in association to Rev. 10:4) — Eight major miracles were noted in Elijah’s ministry before his translation! Christ arose on the first day of the week also known as the 8th day! — “8 souls were saved in the Ark — In association to 8, the Bride becomes a new creation (changed!)
“NINE” Number 9 bears witness to judgment. Nine is the last number before 10, therefore it is finality and judgment! — “Abraham was 99 when God told him Sodom would be judged in wrath!” three times three is 9, and 9 also reveals the predestined work of the Holy Spirit! There are 9 gifts and 9 fruits of the spirit! (I Cor. 12:8-10-Gal. 5:22) — Believe and receive them and you are blessed, reject them and judgment follows! Rev. 9 speaks of judgment!
“TEN” completes a series! After chapter 10 Revelation gives a dual witness again of things that will be hereafter! — “You can add one to zero and you are back to one again (starts all over) — Rev. 10 reveals a break in prophecy then the Lord begins all over and reveals things again! There are 10 moveable ends of the body, 10 toes, 10 fingers — 10 fingers lifted up are the highest, and 10 toes the lowest. In chapter 10 His feet was on the ground and His hands toward heaven! Rev. 13 reveals the beast in complete form, 10 horns and 10 crowns. After Christ until the world ends the book of Revelation shows there will have been 10 special messengers. (Rev. 1:20 and Chapters 10 & 11)
“ELEVEN” is associated to incompletion and disobedience — it can be associated to sorrow — “Joseph was sold into Egypt and left Jacob sad with 11 sons! Gen. 37:28-35” — Judas betrayed Christ, 11 disciples remained! World war one ended the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year! “We’ve had more rebellion ever since!” Two times 11 is 22 the number of chapters in Revelations, then man is judged for disobedience!
“TWELVE” divine order,’ — there were 12 tribes — 12 constellations (Mazzaroth — Job. 38:32) The sun rules 12 hours (the day) the moon 12 hours (the night.) There were 12 judges of Israel! — Twelve shows divine government. — 12 or its multiplication has to do with position or rule! — 12 apostles will rule over the 12 tribes! — Rev. 12, the man child will rule with a rod of iron! — There are 12 foundations, 12 gates, 12 pearls, 12 apostles Rev. 21:21) — New Jerusalem, is 12,000 furlongs — Christ will rule over all!
“THIRTEEN”, rebellion and chaos — “The U.S.A. had 13 colonies and rebelled against England!” The rebellious beast appears in chapter 13 — “Thirteen is associated to apostasy!” Judas rebelled and one more disciple took his place which made a total of 13 involved!”
“FOURTEEN” — the number 14 reveals it is set aside, (Rev. Chap. 14) is associated to the redeemed. “Also 2×7 is 14 “double witness”. Add 1 to 4 and you have 5 the number of the redeemed first fruits’ — (Perhaps we can continue this later) — “All things do not have to be connected to certain numbers, God can overrule! But we know many events in the Bible are definitely associated to exact numbers”.
– Neal Frisby –
Revelation numbers
This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.
Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.
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