Water baptism

water baptism

The mystery of the infallible godhead and water baptism

How will the Lord judge? (1 John 5:7). The Early church baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Acts 2:38; Acts 19:5). But in Matt.28:19 it reads in the “name” of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Why did the Lord allow it to look two ways? By the wisdom of God I wilt show there were several reasons why. If some wonder if I am teaching Jesus (Only) no, but He loves those people too. Now read Eph. 4:4. There is one body and one spirit! We are baptized in one body, not three different bodies! (God dwelled in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ) (Eph. 4:5). One Lord, one faith, one baptism! – (1 Cor. 12:13). This is infallible saith the Lord God! PAUL WROTE AND I QUOTE – (1 Cor. 13:1-3). Though I speak with tongues of men and angels and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge though I have faith even to move mountains (This means even to create or raise the dead). And though I give my body to be burned! Now I will write by command – even if a person is baptized the original way of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38) of for that matter the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and has not “love” he is a loud noise! I am become a sounding brass and a tingling symbol. (I Cor. 13:1). Although important, the water alone will not rapture you! But love will! That’s the secret which raptures the Bride away! Live by the Word with “spiritual love!” This is the message which we received from the beginning! (I John 3:11). Again the Lord warns us not to put all our salvation and confidence in just water alone, or to argue it, no sir! The Lord does not want that! It is absolute fact the early Church (of Acts) baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:16- Acts 2:38) but not in Jesus (Only). Because some people name their children this in foreign countries, but Lord Jesus is different. Now why all the mystery about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit baptism? Because Jesus wanted to bring the right way by revelation to His Elect of each age! They always have the closest truth, also He said I have other sheep not of this fold (St. John 10: 16). How the Lord will bring some of the other groups in and to heaven is a mystery! But He is all wise and knows every heart. And in this way will save more and all His children, because of (Matt. 28: 19 and Acts 2:38). He knows His people! Nothing that is His will be lost! Now I must say Jesus loves both, but some don’t always love the revelation of His Word! I know in (St. Matt. 28:19) it says in the name (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost but notice “Name” not names! Jesus said I came in My Fathers name (St. John 5:43).

In St. John 1:1, 14) it says and the Word was God and was made flesh. We are not baptized into three different bodies, only one! This is the Lord Jesus (the body that God dwelled in). He told Philip, you have been with me this long and don’t know me, and the Bible states the Scripture cannot be broken (read St. John 14:8-9) this is the case of many today!

I am writing this in love maybe if one can not entirely agree that’s fine, but we are still brothers in the Lord and if we still don’t love one another we will not be taken up! The water baptizing and the Godhead is one thing the Organization can’t decide for a person, you alone will have to according to the Scriptures (St. John 10:30). There is one God, but He works in three different ways. There will be people in heaven who believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, working together as the self same spirit! But at the same time I don’t believe there will be many there who believe in 3 different Gods! For He said, “hear O Israel for the Lord your God is one!” Jesus said to the Jews before Abraham I was! (St. John 8:58). (Don’t separate them believe them as one together, this is the secret of faith and miracles!) Amen! I do not deny the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but I state emphatically and it is the absolute truth that these three are one same spirit. Just like (Rev.5:6) it says 7 spirits of God, but these are all one spirit working 7 revelative ways! If people knew who Jesus was, then they would know what He meant when He said in the “name”! (St. Matt: 28: 19 -Acts 9: 17 -Luke 10:21-22). Behold what I have spoken about the water is true! What I have spoken about my name is true! It is I the Lord Jesus which has spoken unto my people the Bride! And unto them who will take my name will become my Bride! And unto her is given my Kingdom to rule with Me! For she has spiritually married me and has taken my name the Lord Jesus Christ, for she is My own, the very handy work of my spirit! For even now the time must shortly come when I will take her to My palace. Watch! I say watch! Behold now is the end of the age come! And I will reveal hidden manna! I was God walking in the body of Jesus, walking the hot roads of Galilee, and gave rest to the weary! Healing the sick of Israel! I am your Lord let no man deceive thee! And there is no other God besides Me! Behold I have hidden myself in Jesus in such away that the foolish virgins and the world can not see Me, until the time that I shall reveal it, but My Elect was born to believe it and another they will not hear I am alpha and omega, yea a man’s hand has not written this, but the hand of power the lord of hosts has written it! – I want to say in closing anyone in his right mind could only say surely God is speaking to His people. May our Lord Jesus bless and rapture everyone who believes this message. Amen! Man has put his foot upon the moon, also God will put His foot upon the earth soon! (Rev. 10). And right now July 20th through July 25th this book is being compiled and printed. (The revelation of the written scrolls!) The first man to put his foot upon the moon had the name Neal. The writer of this book has the first name, Neal. And my birthday was July 23rd. All this is significant! “For a fire is kindled in my anger, and shall burn into the lowest hell, and shalt consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains, and the seas shalt boil, the Heavens shalt thunder. All power is given unto me.” Saith the Lord Jesus! (Read also Rev. 21: 1)

(Scroll #35)

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Acts 2:38 says, “those baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus shall receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit! – As Jesus said beforehand, the kingdom of God is within you! – So express it, act upon it and use it!. .. Some people quake and trembie, some in stammering lips, while other go deeper into tongues of men and angels!” (Isa. 28: 11) – “While others feel a burning confidence within, a desire to believe all of the Word of God and doing exploits! – Many feel an excitement of great joy and the real Holy Spirit believer is always waiting and looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus; they are expecting Him to return!” (Special writing #4)

water baptism

Godhead by Neal Frisby

This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.

Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.

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