Special Writing

The prophecies of Jesus

“In this letter we will study the marvelous prophecies of Jesus who indeed gave incredible insight concerning His ministry and future events right up until our day and beyond! – First we will focus in on events that occurred during His time!”

“He foreknew the disciples would become fishers of men. (Matt. 4:19) – Foretold the drought of fishes. (Luke 5:4) – Foretells the transfiguration! (Matt. 16:28) … They saw His face melt away and changed to the light of the Eternal One glowing with life! (Luke 9:29) – Forecast a fish would have a coin in its mouth! (Matt. 17:27) – Foresees the raising of Lazarus! (St. John 11:11, 23) – Foretells the man bearing the pitcher! (Luke 22:10) – Foresees the furnished room for the Passover!” (Verses 11-12)

“Foresees Peter’s denial! (Matt. 26:34) – Foretells the scattering of the disciples! (Verse 31) – He predicted He would see His disciples after the resurrection! (Verse 32) – Foresees His burial! (Verses 10-12) – His betrayal to take place at the Passover and by one of His disciples! (Matt 26:2, 21) – He predicted the one that would betray Him! (Matt. 26:23) – Jesus prophesied the hour of His betrayal! (Verses 45-46) – Jesus predicts His death by crucifixion!” (John 3:14 – Matt. 20:18-19) – “Jesus predicts His resurrection on the third day. (John 2:19 – Luke 9:22) – He prophesied He would die and be raised again! (Matt. 17:22-23) – He predicted the elect to have the keys to heaven. (Matt. 16:18-19) – He foretold Peter’s martyrdom! (John 21:18) – In a mysterious way He told of seeing John again on the Island of Patmos! (John 21:22) – He foretold the apostles would set on the throne of the 12 Tribes! (Matt. 19:28) – He foresaw the second drought of fishes! (John 21:6) – He predicted the thief would be with Him in Paradise! (Luke 23:43) – Jesus foretold of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit coming in His name!” (John 14:26 – Acts 2:4)

Events reaching into our time and hereafter! – “He foretold prophetic signs of His coming…He forecast the repeat of the wickedness of the days of Noah! (Luke 17:26-27) – And the commercial activities as of the days of Lot! (Verses 28-32) – He gave a prophecy concerning world evangelism, of which my partners are a part and a sign of! (Matt. 24: 14) – He forecast the national return of the Jews nearly 2,000 years in advance! (Luke 21:24, 29-30) – He also predicted that it would be fulfilled in one generation! (Matt. 24:33-35) – He forecast distress of nations and signs in the heavens (man landing on the moon! etc.) – He foresaw world revolutionary and extreme weather patterns! (Luke 21:25) – He prophesied the powers of the heaven being shaken by atomic explosion! (Verse 26) – He foresaw the modern day heart failures! – He gave a prophecy of one being taken and one being left at His coming!” (Luke 17:34-36)

“He foresees the sun and the moon being darkened! (Matt. 24:29) – He predicted the opening of the heaven! (John 1:51) – He gave a prophecy of the Great Tribulation! (Matt. 24:21) – He predicted the horrible destruction of life during that time! (Matt. 24:22)

– He predicted false prophets shall rise! (Matt. 24:4-11) – He foresaw the rise of false Christ’s at the end! (Matt. 24:24) – He predicted the abomination of desolation … (idolatry – anti-Christ worship) (Verses 15-18) – He predicted the days would be shortened, or no life would exist! (Verse 22) – And time of affliction worse than since the beginning of creation! (Mark 13:19) – He predicted the judgment would be as swift as in the days of Noah and as severe as in the days of Lot! (Luke 17:26-31) – He prophesied that the day of the Lord would come suddenly and as a snare upon the world! (Luke 21:35) – He forecast the hour of temptation to come on all the world!” (Rev. 3:10)

“He predicted great persecution of believers! (Mark 13:9-11) – He foresaw division and strife among professors! (Matt. 24:10) – He forecast apostasy in the Church! (Verse 12) – He predicted at the end armies would encompass Jerusalem! (Luke 21:20) – He foretold of the days of vengeance. (Verse 21:22) – He foretold the exact time that Great Tribulation would start!” (Matt. 24:15)

“Jesus also prophesied the coming of great earthquakes as the generation ends! Also wars, pestilence, poison chemicals in the cities, etc. – He foretold of revolutions, erratic and extreme pattern changes! – He predicted world hunger entering the Great Tribulation! – He foresaw fearful sights and great signs from the heavens! … This means celestial chariots, the coming of satanic lights and another purpose: atomic explosion, fearful sight! (Luke 21:10-25) – He predicted He would send a fire on the earth! (Luke 12:49) – Jesus also foresaw that huge asteroids (meteorites) would strike the earth and in the sea!” (Rev. 8:8-10)

“He foresaw all the world’s armies at Armageddon producing a river of blood! (Rev. 14:20, Rev. 16:16) – Jesus foresaw that His elect would escape these last events of the Tribulation! (Luke 21:36) – Truly the testimony of Jesus is definitely the spirit of prophecy! (Rev. 19:10) … And the gift of prophecy will be working at the end to guide and lead His elect in events to come, right up into the Translation!” – “This is only a partial list of the prophecies of Jesus that we print for your recalling and your end-time study! – His accuracy to foresee is incredible, and we did not consider in this writing all the prophecy that He gave to John in the book of Revelation; but we have already listed many of those in our letters, books and scripts.” – “Also He has given me many prophecies for His church as the age closes out! We are indeed blessed with many things!” – “He also predicted at the end of the age that a prophet would be associated to the calling of time!” (Rev. Chapter 10)

“This is a Scriptural letter of divine promises the Lord Jesus wants me to reveal to you! As the Lord of Hosts, Jesus is mighty to fulfill them! Believe – act – receive, they’re personally yours!” – Psalms 126:5, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy!” – No matter how hard the test or disappointment, as you remain steadfast you’ll win with joy and will see the reward of your prayers! Wonderful things are in store for those partners who have given so much also in time and prayer! – Peter 1:4 reveals we receive “exceeding and precious promises, that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature!” So whatever you need! Jesus has plenty, to do wonders, work miracles for your family needs and those you love! “Ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power!” (Col. 2:10) – With Him as head you have it all! – “The Almighty shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above!” (Gen. 49:25) Even when you are alone you are never alone. Psalms 91: 11, “For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways!”

Psalms 144:15, “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord!” – Repeat the name of the Lord Jesus daily and rejoice! – “When the dark clouds dip low, and the winds of misfortune blow, repeat the name of Jesus and they will go, for His loving hand will be aglow with special guidance!” – “Let not your heart be troubled for He has a mansion prepared for you and will come again and will receive you with open arms!” (St. John 14: 1-3) – “Fear not nor be dismayed for the Lord is with you!” (Isa. 41:10) – And if you have committed anything that is not wise in His eyes repent, for He is very faithful to forgive! “The Lord is with you, while ye be with Him; and if ye seek Him, He will be found of you!” (II Cor. 15:2) – “The trial of your faith is very precious and though it be tried by fire, Jesus will bring it to praise and honour at His appearing!” (I Peter 1:7) Sometimes Satan may press against you and test you and sometimes bring pain, but Jesus is the refining and purging; we do not walk alone! (Psalms 30: 5) “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning!” – “For each thorn there is a flower, for each tear drop there is a reward; and sorrow will give way to heavenly joy in just a little while! – He is blessing you now, just join in with His spirit and He will give you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness!” (Isaiah 61: 1-3)

“Behold saith the Lord, in the days just ahead you will need my guidance and protection and need to trust fully in My Word, for the shadows of the end are crossing the earth. – My peace and calm shall I give to those who love me! Be not afraid!” Deut. 33:27, “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms!” – “I am the Capstone of the body, the very foundation stone. Ye are the rocks in the foundation, the spiritual stones that I have called (I Peter 2:4-5). For it is mentioned in the Scriptures, For upon this Rock I will build my church! (St. Matt. 16:18) And my called out stones will fit in ‘The Rock of Ages’, The Lord Jesus!” – Some wonderful and mighty things are coming for my partners who believe! “For eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him!” (I Cor. 1:9)

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the ‘Father of lights,’ with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning!” (James 1:17) – Notice it says, no variableness, nor shadow of turning. His light never gets dark, but remains light always! – The lights of our Lord are real! – “And His pillar of fire is with all who believe it!” – So, “ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you!” (Matt. 7:7) – Have faith! In His good time and even now, Jesus will grant you blessings far too great to tell. He will love you, guide you, guard you, for He “doeth all things well!” – “The Holy Spirit is leading me to this Scripture, Job 5:8-9, “Unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and un-searchable; marvelous things without number!”

Also the Lord tells me to repeat these dramatic words which came forth from God, one in which you will love, so read it carefully. “Thus saith the Lord, even as I called my disciples in Israel by name, and foreknew them, I am now calling my disciples again by name (Bride Elect). For I am putting a spirit of wisdom upon them through my scrolls, that they may know my voice. Many have been called, but few are chosen! My sheep shall know my voice! For this is gathering time! I have sent my servant (in the spirit of Elijah) to call a people unto me, and to unite into my spirit, saith the Almighty! And the wise shall know and hear me. This I have promised my people. Behold all that are mine shall come!

“Read this letter often when you are in need of His touch and it will help and encourage you abundantly!”

In the wonderful love of Christ,

The prophecies of Jesus

Special writing by Neal Frisby

This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.

Special Writings

Some of Brother Frisby’s previously unpublished “Special Writings” — All Special Writings are printed on Parchment Paper in a Special 9″ x 12″ format.
NOTE: We are now allowing FREE access to the following Special Writings, you may also order the printed book(s) and individual copies.

#01 Fire and ice
#02 Healing for all
#03 Salvation for all
#04 The holy spirit
#05 Divine health
#06 God’s divine promises
#07 The prophecies of Jesus
#08 The vital need for prayer – part 1
#09 The vital need for prayer – part 2
#10 Remarkable and wonderful appearances of the Lord
#11 The glorified body of the saints
#12 The prophetic parable of the wise and foolish virgins

Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.

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