Special Writing

The vital need for prayer - part 1

This letter unveils the important and vital need for prayer! – It concerns the exciting rewards of persistent, prevailing prayer! – Not just prayer, but the prayer of faith! (James 5:15) “Beside your petition (requests) prayer involves four elements: receiving, worship, praise and heartfelt thanksgiving! – And also any kind of confessing that you think you should do before your time of prayer!” … “Remember this, real faith perceives ‘as fact’ before it is revealed to the rest of the senses! … You don’t know all about it but you know that you have the answer, (the Kingdom of God) within you to start your miracle!” – “Each person has that measure of faith within them already! It is up to us to let it grow and blossom forth into great exploits! Faith is steadfastness, determined!” – Heb. 10:35, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, and you will have great reward!” – “Always have full assurance to the end!” (Heb. 6:11) And Verse 15, “After he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise!” – For from the beginning you already have your answer working! – Matt. 7:8, “For everyone that asketh, receiveth!” etc. – Faith to be valid must be anchored on God’s promises. More on faith in a moment!

“Actually Christians should make prayer and faith a business with God! – Paul said it is our profession!” – “And when you get good at your profession, Jesus gives you the keys to the Kingdom!” … We are living in the days of a golden opportunity; it is our hour of decision! … Soon it will quickly pass and be gone forever! – “God’s people need to enter into a covenant of prayer! – My partners need to join forces in united prayer! – We need to mobilize our forces together! – Alone we may defeat a thousand, but united action can defeat ten thousand of the enemy!” (Read Deut. 32:30) “Remember this, the highest office in the church is that of an intercessor (few people realize this). It is the very ministry that Jesus was, and is engaged in now!” – “Seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them!” (Heb. 7:25) Moses, Elijah and Samuel were some of the greatest intercessors that ever lived! And you have this royal privilege too – to assist the eternal King!” – “Positive and prevailing prayer can change things around you. It will help you see the good parts in people and not always the awful or negative parts!” – “A consistent prayer life is absolutely indispensable! – Determined and faithful prayer can bring a gospel invasion, pushing back the evil forces! If you make prayer a business you can look back at the end of your days and you will be certain that your life has been a successful one! Because that’s what faith and prayer produce!” – “Unless the Lord’s children make prayer a part of their life they can be certain that the devil will introduce all kinds of complications in their life!” – “If a person wishes to surmount serious problems and troubles he should build a bulwark against the future of Satan’s onslaughts! For Satan is busy setting traps and snares that people know nothing about until it’s too late! – Daily prayer will take one through it in good shape, or out of it completely; even preventing it from starting!”

One of the first things the Holy Spirit called to our attention – that there was a definite and regular hour of prayer established in the early church! – They went into the Temple at the hour of prayer, being the 9th hour. (Acts 3:1) Before God’s people can come together in unity as the body of Christ, they must unite in daily prayer! – “It is good to establish a regular time of prayer. Whether one is standing, kneeling or lying down, the Lord receives the prayer of faith!” – “And some instances a person can actually pray while going about their work. But don’t miss a day in contacting the Lord of Hosts!” – And Jesus said, He would supply your daily needs! “Give us this day our daily bread,” etc.

In God’s Love,

The vital need for prayer

Special writing by Neal Frisby

This publication is dedicated to the tireless work of Brother Neal Frisby. We would also like to acknowledge our partners for helping to make this ministry and all its good works possible. Thank you.

Special Writings

Some of Brother Frisby’s previously unpublished “Special Writings” — All Special Writings are printed on Parchment Paper in a Special 9″ x 12″ format.
NOTE: We are now allowing FREE access to the following Special Writings, you may also order the printed book(s) and individual copies.

#01 Fire and ice
#02 Healing for all
#03 Salvation for all
#04 The holy spirit
#05 Divine health
#06 God’s divine promises
#07 The prophecies of Jesus
#08 The vital need for prayer – part 1
#09 The vital need for prayer – part 2
#10 Remarkable and wonderful appearances of the Lord
#11 The glorified body of the saints
#12 The prophetic parable of the wise and foolish virgins

Disclaimer: The translation of this article was accomplished using a translation software. It may contain grammatical errors.

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